Beyond Birds and Bees (Part 2)
This essay reviews the contradictions of the transgender movement, nefarious influencers, and its enforcers.
Few places I go and see the USA that I once knew. It is terrible to witness society’s fabric torn apart by many ideologies. In particular, radical gender ideology infects every element of society. The infected prowl about taking advantage of our human frailties. They work tirelessly to make “Normals” feel responsible for long-past discretions not of their doing.
Frederick R. Smith
Beyond Birds and Bees (Part 2)
Beyond Birds and Bees (Part 1) reviewed the physical results of the “new sexuality” beyond the natural beauty of man and woman united in matrimony. This installment, Part 2, follows up with sections titled Reason and Contradiction, The Experiment, Analysis, Conclusion, and Epilogue.
Reason and Contradiction
ANGRY (Anti Natural Gender Resources for Youngsters) proclaim that “men” (neo-men) can be pregnant. We know it takes human sperm from a biological male to contact human eggs from a biological woman to procreate a human in a womb. This is a biological fact. Nevertheless, a neo-male with ovaries, a womb, and a vagina can become pregnant.
Behold the above image from the June 2023 issue of Glamour Magazine. It’s all about Logan Brown: “I’m a pregnant trans man [neo-male], and I do exist. No matter what anyone says, I am literally living proof.” Logan Brown is a neo-man who unexpectedly became pregnant with his partner Bailey J Mills, a “non-binary” drag performer in the UK.1 The “unexpectedly pregnant” disclosure leads us to a conclusion. Brown, a neo-man (with a vagina and ovaries), engaged in a strange type of intercourse with a man who self-identifies as a non-binary person (with a penis). This gives us a window into the twisted logic of the inane quip “birthing person.”
Sadly, based on this confusing mix of anti-nature activity, the radical trans movement is on a quest that we can only fathom the end game. Perhaps it will be akin to the society envisioned in the Star Trek Next Generation episode The Outcast.
The Experiment
I recently engaged in Substack Notes exchanges with a few people from the radical element of the pro-trans community for experimentation purposes. The goal: to obtain a sense of the animosity between opposing factions at events such as drag queen shows without the dangers of a real-time event.
First, I chatted with a person who was a self-described post-modern evolutionist that gravitated to transhumanism. This person accused me of making “outlandish statements” for challenging their humanist creed and tagging me as right-wing, controlled by the Republicans. At least that person was not over-caustic and agreed to disagree.
In another chat, I got this response when asking if it is acceptable for me to declare my heterosexuality on a T-shirt:
How about you just don’t worry what other adults do in their bedrooms?! I swear you fundies are a bunch of repressed, agonized, bi-curious, self-hating Neanderthals. Who gives a shit who is LGBTQ+ and who isn’t? Move on with your boring life.
I suggested we agree to disagree then this came along:
F___ you moving on! F___ your “holy shit I’m an expert on gender identity after an hour of reading Jesse Singal screeds!” F___ your “these people we want to demonize and persecute, these other ones can wait.” Bro, we oppose everything you stand for. I work with trans ppl. Something tells me you haven’t even seen the opposite sex in quite a while.
Finally, there is the influential Substacker, with thousands of subscribers and the articulate author of several books. He got furious when I asked him the same rhetorical question. As an olive branch, I suggested we both stand together wearing T-shirts with only the American flag. He avoided answering the concept by indicating he “does not like wearing such things.” I then suggested we agree to disagree, but that was not even recognized. Ultimately, he declared it was within my free speech rights to do so, but I should be tagged as a white supremacist. He also wished I not have future happiness for the rest of my life for a “little hate T-shirt.” For safety, I deleted the above Substack Notes threads and blocked the authors to prevent future harassment.
These exchanges are a salient learning experience. We now comprehend that engaging is a daunting task, akin to the bombast we see from people such as ANTIFA members. It resembles a bloody war where one of the “sides” (in this case, the collectivists) refuses to engage in discourse. ANTIFA is an anarchist group; thus, it is no coincidence trans events are a magnet that draws such scoundrels.
These people whom I managed to engage displayed a cult-like behavior best described by Abigail Shrier in her essay Little Miss Trouble:
Gender Ideology is a fundamentalist religion—intolerant, demanding strict adherence to doctrine, hell-bent on gathering proselytes. ~ Gender ideology is policed by blasphemy laws. Gender identity is the secular version of the ‘soul.’ ~ All of which is to say, Gender Ideology is not bellbottoms or feathered bangs. It is no pendulum, and it will not swing back with a little help from inertia. It is not a tide, and it will not turn with the gravitational pull of the moon. ~ So why do so many Americans believe this ‘tide’ will turn? Because the adherents excel at deceit.
And there is this sobering realization also by Shrier (boldface added):
When I published Irreversible Damage three years ago, I predicted that medical malpractice lawsuits would end the social contagion and irresponsible disaster of pediatric gender medicine. I’m no longer so sure. As of now, too few doctors are willing to testify in trials. Always the same handful of names—the courageous and honorable few—against a growing legion of ideologue “experts,” newly-minted and prepared to die on the sword of ideas so fanciful, only the True Believer could hold them.
In recent years, a drastic phenomenon has emerged among many young people who want to change their “gender.” They do this secretly, hiding from their parents, even though their chromosomes, which determine their biological sex, remain unchanged. Neo-adults often support them in their schools, health care, and communities. What is the reason for this sudden ANGRY trend? Below are some possible explanations for the metastasizing transgender epidemic:
An extreme extension of the LGBT movement that has gone beyond the original goals of gay rights (which some gay people disagree with).
Belief in a religious-like post-modern Darwinian creed that humankind “must” continue on its evolutionary path and go beyond the binary. Also, see the section above, “The Experiment.”
Cult-like behavior of those in the movement. That includes particular heterosexual couples mentally programmed by psychological operations who cheer for the “right” of their children to “break free” from the binary.
Government advocating and funding the transgender movement. The United States Assistant Secretary for Health is a neo-female.
Mass psychosis fueled by an ideology and an elitist narrative ripping throughout society exponentially.
Pornography of every type of sexual act imaginable. Any person of any age in front of a computer or smartphone connected to the Internet can view this mind-altering content with a keyboard press. That arrangement is a portal to psychological changes whereby those mentally affected lose their inhibitions. That conditions people to accept an array of unnatural behaviors and desires.
Schools, academia, and legacy media are promoting and normalizing gender ideology.
Select medical professionals and pharma desiring to profit from the lifelong treatments that transgender people need.2
Socialist-leaning elites and influencers promoting gender confusion and amoral sexual behavior pave an easy path to inculcate the young with collectivist ideologies. This program is akin to “Bread and Circus,” whereby the adherents of government-sponsored mandates that mitigate true freedom get rewarded with a sexual license.
The trans ecosystem is erasing what would have been considered normal in the past into gender fluidity which is a path to transhumanism.
Unseemly influencers excel at manipulating people through printed material and omnipresent social media.
Unrestrained Malthusian elitists who want to reduce the world population. The trans movement is one of many ways to do it.
Concerning the last point, I want to first clarify that I am not endorsing eugenics through a thought-provoking question. The question concerns outspoken ANGRY “leaders” who seem to be enamored with altering children’s bodies to address environmental concerns. Why do they not first consider less invasive alternatives like sterilization? Assessing the true effectiveness and benefits of their approach can be a complex task! Meanwhile, young people who regret changing their gender through surgery, hormones, or both, get no support. Few have compassion for such individuals. Well-meaning professionals who provide therapy to help these poor people return to their birthright get canceled.
As an example of unseemly influencing, the following text is from My Queer Year: A Guided Journal at a Target Store display (boldface added):
Well, you’ve made it to the last month. Congratulations! We hope that by now, you have a stocked-up tool kit of self-reflections and ways to be a little bit happier in your life. This last part is the big one: Self-Love. As you have hopefully noticed by now, these past twelve months have been structured to help pull out of you what it is that you love about yourself. Society around us will tell you you’re not good enough, you don’t work hard enough, you don’t look the way you should, or you shouldn’t be who you really want to be. The world around you may try to convince you of all these things that are discouraging, harmful, and part of the binary of what life “should” be like. And we’re here to tell you that that’s a load of garbage and to fully love your whole self because you’re the star of this show and you deserve it!
Libs of Lazy Legacy Media reported bomb threats were received due to Target store LGBTQ+ exhibits. Of course, that same lying legacy media projected this as a right-wing thing. But that was not the case. The threats emerged as a response to the relocation of the gay+ displays from prominent positions within the store to less visible areas. The perpetrator behind the threat alleged that Target had betrayed the gay community by downsizing its prominence. It seems ANGRY adherents are growing angrier, more hostile, and potentially more dangerous; perhaps it comes with the territory.
The unseemly influencer who authored the above book tells youngsters that the family unit as we know it from the beginning of history is a “.. load of garbage….” We need to realize this type of vomit-inducing rancid rhetoric is nothing new. It is the viral extension of the birth of the fluid gender alt-reality as theorized by Simone de Beauvoir in 1949 (see Part 1). Simultaneously, we have Dr. John Money for his “groundbreaking” work starting in the mid-1950s. And to make it a 50s gender dystopian trifecta, the perversion of Alfred Kinsey also got foisted on society. For some strange reason, the COVID-19 pandemic hyper-launched today’s gender medical mutilation craze.
Moving on in time, we have the equivalent of psychological operations hell-bent on destroying the natural family unit. From All in the Family to Modern Family, Hollywood trashes the cohesion of a home with mom, dad, and children. In recent years, we also heard about toxic masculinity and how men cause problems worldwide. Yet some schools supply “chest binders” to help girls transition into boys. It is simply impossible to wrap my head around that dichotomy. But, remember, it takes a village, as demonstrated by this newly minted mantra pontificated by King Borg Joe the First:
These are our kids. These are our neighbors. Not somebody else’s kids. They’re all our kids. Our children are the kite strings that hold our national ambitions aloft …
Moving on to the present, an actual “load of garbage” got dumped on your author, as detailed in the above section, “The Experiment.”
Based on the above, ANGRY follows in the footsteps 50s gender dystopian trifecta. It claims to help our young people who struggle with their sexual identity. It often includes professionals with advanced degrees and credentials. Despite the problems of going against nature, they tell us about the “benefits” they provide. Meanwhile, many people have difficulty getting medical help for chronic health issues.
Now for the main ingredient. Today, we are reminded that capitalism is laying waste to the planet. We are told ad nauseam to return to nature to stop “human-made” climate change. Meanwhile, ANGRY counters nature by attempting to reverse-engineer sex/gender. For those undergoing total surgery, the results render them unable to bear offspring. A desired result by the Malthusian adherents (see Population Control of the Peoples). In most cases, gender medical mutilation madness also eliminates the ability to experience the natural euphoria between a man and woman in a physical relationship.3
The trans movement is not just about the global impact of changing gender norms. It also reflects a flexible ethical vision embodied by the rainbow flag. This movement’s flag represents the possibility of overcoming limits and creating “new ways of living.” It goes beyond the biological differences between genders. It is a gateway to transhumanism.
With the “leadership” element within ANGRY infected with gender ideology, normals risk incarceration for simply discussing the facts. In one of many samples, a middle school student faced discipline for a T-shirt declaring the reality of two genders. We live in a nightmarish neo-reality. It is genuinely a stench out of Hell that certain states are working to promulgate laws that will punish parents. Their “crime? Refusing to go along with gender affirmation of their children fertilized by forces external to their family. Let’s not forget, just like the Burn Loot Mayhem pea brains, the warped minds of ANGRY members get euphoric by saying silence equals violence. What you say must conform to the ANGRY creed.
Where do we go from here? First, we must realize ANGRY has the full force of law in many states at its disposal. Already, we see people who love unborn human babies that peacefully bear witness at abortion mills and face FBI raids. Meanwhile, people lose their jobs for the unforgivable secular sin of using the “wrong pronouns.” The best hope is this diabolical mental infection of society will collapse under its weight. It is up to each reader to decide what to do. My recommendation: follow the points in my essay Don’t Get Ready, Be Ready.
Also, remember, no good deed goes without punishment. Simply reporting on the adverse effects of medical intervention madness places this writer into the “transphobic” basket at best. At worst, I might face the charge of hate crime for simply acknowledging (no pride here) the natural and healthy of heterosexuality. And we must not forget the absurd notion that opposing gender ideology is akin to white supremacy.
Few places I go and see the USA that I once knew. It is dreadful to witness society’s fabric torn apart by many ideologies. In particular, radical gender ideology, via ANGRY, infects every element of society. The infected prowl about, taking advantage of our human frailties. They work tirelessly to make “Normals” feel responsible for long-past discretions not of their doing. As we know, there are flaws from the past, like slavery and corrupt “national building,” causing hatred for our nation. Our external and internal enemies harp on these things. The elite collectivists and their Pavlovian minions detest an honest history study as a lesson to unite us and make the country whole again. Instead, the narrative ensconces a Marxist worldview to tear apart the fabric of society. “It” is indeed angry.
As demonstrated by the above section, “The Experiment,” the extreme element loathe those who want to preserve beautiful human biology. That is, man and woman united in perfect harmony. Despite the unrelenting push to make cogent folk the new outcasts, we, the “Normals,” are the underground majority. Yet, the collectivists are the provocateurs who want conflict and will not gain happiness until they can get normals incarcerated.
Gender ideology is everywhere, and when turning off the Tell-U-Vision and Internet, billboards project it under the “pride” banner. That despicable and diabolical ANGRY machine needs to be exposed for what it is all about. Specifically, radical gender ideology has captured the narrative. It has gained such heights that it covers up horrible truths. For example, ANGRY effectively squelches new information leaking out concerning the coordinated efforts of the overlords who fueled the Covid “pandemic.” It even overtakes the proxy war in Ukraine. Coincidence?
Of course, the more caustic trans narrative spouts forth from the extreme elements. Many good people are caught up in this movement. Unlike the harsh elements I encountered in “The Experiment,” perhaps showing human reasoning will break the mental chains of individuals within ANGRY that are not entirely under the spell.
My heart goes out to those suffering from ANGRY-imposed gender dysphoria and their family members who are often traumatized by the situation. They are victims of radical gender ideology. As much as we might feel like the world is spinning out of control because of radical gender ideology, that is just one of many instruments to usher in a New World Order. Violence is not only wrong on any “side,” but that is just what the machine desires so it can focus its “justice” system on tamping down just the “Normals.”
It’s all akin to a twisted version of the old-school setting where Johnny makes a disgusting noise and does not admit it. The entire class got punished. Today that prescription only applies to Normals. You can’t do that to a Borg, a bio-machine unit of ANGRY. A Borg’s poor wimpy feelings might get hurt. Worse yet, a Borg might cry and feel unsafe. “Feelings” hurt or an “unsafe” perception triggers a Borg unit to get on the horn to the ANGRY enforcers: SPLC, ANTIFA, and FBI. ANGRY says: We are Bog; resistance is futile. Something strange is happening.
We are dealing with ANGRY extremists that are part of an anti-nature cult that says we must return to nature to fix the planet. That is a shocking realization.
We can only imagine the physical pain and suffering of undergoing most of the procedures outlined in Part 1 of this essay. It is baffling when the alternative (working on accepting your God-given body), a lot safer, faces cancellation. It is even more puzzling when gender is considered fluid, with the same folk submitting to irreversible surgical “procedures.” But these peculiarities also make sense when society rejects God or transitions the Divine into something beholden to humanity’s twisted liking.
Also, as noted in Part 1, genital surgery or other medical intervention may be necessary for individuals born with reproductive organ deformities or other problems. Likewise, the same applies to those who have suffered genital injuries from accidents. When discussing this particular topic, it is essential to approach it with the utmost sensitivity and respect. The medical issues reviewed encompass profoundly personal and intimate aspects of a person’s well-being. Also, see What does it mean to be intersex?
Burn that confusing “flag” and get charged with a hate crime but do as you wish the USA colors. What country is this “flag?” None. It is a virulent virtue signal to unify unsuspecting people into a cult compound, the New World Order. From New Hampshire to California, “transgender”-themed overnight summer camps for children as young as four are cropping up throughout the United States. Many operate from secret locations where counselors reinforce campers’ gender dysphoria. “Programing” includes voice training, makeup sessions, and other “trans-centered activities.”
The ANGRY pushers and their Pavilovan robots wonder why Normals are nonplussed! Welcome to the Unwoke Underground.📕
These newsworthy items dealing with the trans agenda are worth reviewing:
4-Year-Old Perfectly Dismantles Woke Gender Ideology in Past Clip of ‘Little Big Shots’~ By Rachel Emmanuel, Western Journal
A Predator’s Paradise ~ Abigail Shrier
Bursting the Conservative Bubble ~ Karen Hunt
California Bill Would Charge Any Parent Who Doesn’t Affirm Transgenderism With ‘Child Abuse’ ~ Tony Kinnett, The Daily Signal
Dear liberals...we need to talk ~ Jenny Holland
Detransitioned Teen to Sue Doctors Over Puberty Blockers, Double Mastectomy ~ Susan Berry, PhD, Tennessee Star
For Detransitioners, There’s No Going Back ~ National review
Free speech or hate speech: Middleboro student sent home for second time may sue school ~ Christopher Butler, The Enterprise
Gender dysphoria as a symptom of early childhood trauma ~ Jennifer Depew, R.D.
High Rates of Sexually Transmitted Disease in Transgender Individuals ~ Peter A. McCullough, MD
Hospitals In Nation’s Largest Catholic Healthcare System Perform Transgender Surgeries, Bombshell Report Finds ~ Spencer Lindquist, Daily Wire
Identity Crisis: A Detransitioner’s Harrowing Journey Back From Gender Madness ~ Independent Women’s Forum
In Brief: Why I’m Done With ‘Preferred Pronouns’ ~ The Patrot Post
Little Miss Trouble: Why I’m Not Waiting for the Gender ‘Pendulum’ to Swing Back ~ Abigail Shrier
REPORT: Largest Catholic Health Network Performs Sex-Change Operations ~ Michale Hichborn, Lepanto Institute
Sick with Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy ~ Peter A. McCullough, MD
States are writing laws to take your kids if you don’t agree to trans them ~ Karlyn Borysenko
Beware the Rise of Tran$gender, Inc. ~ Jim McCraigh
The Truth About ‘Puberty Blockers’ ~ Gerald Posner, Wall Street Journal
Too many transgender activists are sadistic bullies ~ Debra Soh, Washington Examiner
“What is a Woman?” by Matt Walsh (the film) | “Cos'è una Donna?” di Matt Walsh (il film) ~ Daniela Brassi - TdML
“What is a Woman?” - Matt Walsh; trans topics, trauma alert - graphic image of transmale ‘bottom’ surgery ~ Jennifer Depew, R.D.
Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters ~ Abigal Shrier, 276 pages, Regnery Publishing, June 2020
You’re Teaching My Child What?: A Physician Exposes the Lies of Sex Education and How They Harm Your Child ~ Miriam Grossman, 247 pages, Regnery Publishing, 2009
Miriam Grossman MD Wesbsite ~ Mariam Grossman, MD
Sex Scandal: The Drive to Abolish Male and Female ~ Ashley McGuire, 256 pages, Regnery Publishing, February 2017
Non-binary is a term used to describe individuals whose self-imposed gender identity does not exclusively align with the categories of “male” or “female.” Non-binary people may identify as having a gender outside the traditional binary concept of gender or reject the notion of gender entirely. Some non-binary individuals may identify as a mix of both genders, as neither gender or as a different gender altogether. Non-binary individuals may use a variety of pronouns, including they/them, ze/zir, or other gender-neutral pronouns.`
The news item NHS England Bans Child Puberty Blockers is telling. In Europe, where the medical system is socialized, to include transitioning will skyrocket costs. The inane push for medical transitioning gave our friends across the pond a dose of reality. Not here in the USA. Certain people in the medical-pharma cartels stand to make a lot of money. Also see Beware the Rise of Tran$gender, Inc. by Jim McCraigh.
Metoidioplasty is an exception. It involves releasing the ligaments that limit the growth of the clitoris (which is typically enlarged through hormone therapy) to create a small phallus. This procedure keeps the nerves in place that serve to provide an orgasm.
A Catholic church in New York City will host a “Pride Mass” on June 28 to commemorate a June 1969 "gay uprising." The Mass will be held approximately four miles from the church in the park next to an array of gay and “transgender” pride flags and a monument of two homosexual couples called "Gay Liberation." It is unclear if the Archdiocese of New York approves the event.
Thanks and much more is forthcoming !