Population Control of the Peoples
Since the late 1960s, psychopath elitists have engaged in massive fraud to depopulate the world. Better known as the “population controllers,” they perpetrated an inhuman program.
A “demographic transition” to level off human population to ten or so billion people, or to reduce it somewhat, will not stop the continued destruction of the biosphere. Human numbers and industrial activity began to cause significant destruction to the biosphere when the population reached about 300 million low-technology people. As discussed, for humankind to live in a species-rich biosphere such as the one that it evolved in and lived in for hundreds of thousands of years, population levels must decline to on the order of five million high-tech people and a few hundred million low-tech people.
Joseph George Caldwell, The Shape of Things to Come
In order to stabilize world populations, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day.
Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier 1991
Since the late 1960s, certain psychopath elitists have engaged in massive fraud to depopulate the world. Better known as the “population controllers,” they perpetrated an inhuman program defrauding people in the developing world. More recently, this disgusting effort has extended across the globe under the choice and affirmation mantra.
As the master of population control efforts outside its borders, the United States has a shameful history. It has the distinction of harboring some of the most aggressive activities in concert with the culture of death. That culture, tamped down nationally by the 2022 Supreme Court decision about abortion, found new fuel at the state level. Thus, a flurry of initiatives now occurs there. As a prime example, California leads the way with its population reduction efforts. The initiatives include abortion up to the moment of birth and a “safe-haven” proclamation for gender affirmation. In other words, the California legislature wants to make that state a reproductive organ mutilation destination.
Along with Kavorkian-like state laws authorizing assisted suicide, it’s about population reduction. It is akin to Climate Change Control of the Peoples because it is Population Control of the Peoples. Blinded by zealotry, the psychopath controllers embrace China’s brutal one-child policy. Meanwhile, the door cracks open for the notion of infanticide.
This essay reviews the who and how of this massive fraud.
Controller’s Godfathers
Thomas Robert Malthus
Thomas Robert Malthus (1766 - 1834) was an English cleric, scholar, and influential economist in political economy and demography. Early evolutionary biologists like Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace studied Malthus’ works.
In his 1798 book An Essay on the Principle of Population, Malthus argued that increasing a nation’s food production improved the population’s well-being. He felt the improvement was temporary because humans consumed resources for population growth, thus tamping down a high standard of living. That became known as the “Malthusian trap” or the “Malthusian specter.” In other words, the population grows while the lower class suffers. Susceptibility increases from famine and disease. That is a view sometimes referred to as the Malthusian catastrophe.
Malthus argued that population growth is inevitable whenever conditions improve. With this statement, his worldview stifles progress: “The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man.” With Anglican clerical credentials, he viewed the situation as divinely imposed on him to teach virtuous behavior. Malthus predicted that by 1890 “… there would be standing room only on this earth.” He avered that disease-ridden conditions should persist in low-income English towns to tamp down the population.
Christians of the day found Malthius’ population reduction measures to be a horrifying reality. Still, the British upper class embraced the Malthusian thought process. Malthus' book was a successful literary work in six editions from 1798 to 1826. One legacy of Malthus’ ideas was a shared concern among those in the developed world about birth rates in third-world nations.
Paul Ralph Ehrlich
American biologist Paul Ralph Ehrlich (born May 29, 1932) has an extensive portfolio in population growth studies. He focuses on humanity’s impact on limited resources. He is President of the Stanford University Center for Conservation Biology and Professor Emeritus of Population Studies at Stanford University’s Department of Biology.
In 1968, Ehrlich became well known for his controversial book The Population Bomb. He co-authored the book with his wife, Anne, who stated, “… in the 1970s, hundreds of millions of people will starve to death despite any crash programs embarked upon now.” One suggested population solution in the book prescribed “various forms of coercion.” That includes eliminating “tax benefits for having additional children” if voluntary methods fail. While acknowledging that some of the predictions did not occur, Ehrlich avers that his analysis of climate change was correct. Also, human overpopulation remains a significant problem.
After World War II, population control evolved into a component of international development. And, of course, the rosetta stone of concern: ecology. By limiting family sizes, developing nations improved their chances of economic advancement. What a laugh. Likewise, consuming the planet’s limited resources demanded a drastic reduction in the human population. That is The Population Bomb.
The Others
The population control movement also includes many famous personalities. The club comprises Rockefeller, Margaret Mead, Bill Gates, Margaret Sanger, and Peter Singer, to name a few. Organizations like the World Bank and the U.N. use code terms like “reproductive health.” In other words, they attack the poorer countries of the world. Weapons include sterilizations, sometimes forced or with bribes, abortions, and contraceptives. The propaganda machine includes endless and browbeating lectures.
The first “successful” population control program occurred in post-war Japan. Due to the devastation caused by the war, the Japanese economy could not support more people. Japanese leaders acceded to General Douglas MacArthur’s suggestion to legalize abortion. He likely felt pleased as the birthrate fell by half over the next few years.
The Post-Modern Controllers
With Malthus’s 1798 book, academia offered human growth and consumption studies. In line with these “studies,” the U.S. Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 departed from feeding the poor and arming allies:
The Congress declares that the individual liberties, economic prosperity, and security of the people of the United States are best sustained and enhanced in a community of nations which … work together to use wisely the world’s limited resources in an open and equitable international economic system.… Development assistance … shall be concentrated in countries which will make the most effective use of such assistance … the President shall assess the commitment and progress of countries … by utilizing criteria, including … control of population growth…”
Even more radical is the later provision of the bill as it directs virtually all U.S. aid programs to reduce population. Education, health, rural development, and disease control all waged virtual war on the people:
[A]ll appropriate activities proposed for financing under this chapter shall be designed to build motivation for smaller families through modification of economic and social conditions supportive of the desire for large families, in programs such as education in and out of school, nutrition, disease control, maternal and child health services, improvements in the status and employment of women, agricultural production, rural development, and assistance to the urban poor, and through community-based development programs which give recognition to people motivated to limit the size of their families.
Following Ehrlich’s 1968 book, policymakers foisted a costly inhuman fraud upon the citizens in the name of humanity. The population controllers spun a culture of death via foreign aid programs. The United States and other developed countries obliged. The associated programs have corrupted dozens of well-intentioned nongovernmental organizations. That cauldron squelched genuine development efforts.
Malthusianism is the official U.S. policy demonstrated by the government benefactors who push this culture of death. The pushers get funding from our tax dollars and hidden tax (inflation). The significant benefactors include:
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
It is akin to a cruel joke to read the UNFPA’s mission statement: Our mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.
The United States worked to stop women from having “too many” children in the developing world. In 1966 USAID established a Population Office to carry out this sweeping mandate. The government appointed Physician Reimert Thorolf Ravenholt (1925 - 2020) to lead this office.
With large sums of aid money, Dr. Ravenholt had the State Department at his beck and call and a mandate from Congress. Like some of the more recent “experts” (e.g., Antony Fauci), he became a law unto himself as a “Population Czar.” Ravenholt, at the end of his tenure in 1979, established a sweeping directorate of U.S.-funded population control organizations. That continues to assault women around the world today. As an epidemiologist by training, he saw pregnancy as a disease to eradicate.
Such a thought process by progenitors like Malthus manifests today in the culture of death. That explains how people now embrace inane memes such as “forced pregnancy.” For example, in October 2022, Stacey Abrams, a Georgia Democrat running for governor, claimed that access to abortion was a solution to the country’s high inflation rate. “Having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas. It’s why you’re concerned about how much food costs… You can’t divorce being forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy from the economic realities of having a child,” said Abrams. At the end of September, she also said there was “no such thing” as a fetal heartbeat at six weeks.
“Overpopulation” is an elusive word to caption the issue of “too many people.” The population controllers conjure images of poverty--low incomes, poor health, unemployment, malnutrition, and overcrowded housing to justify anti-life programs. The policies have, in many ways, caused what they predicted. That is a poorer, less diverse, less advanced world plagued by disease.
The population controllers have ignored mounting evidence of their many failures. They avoided their biggest story: fertility rates are in free fall around the globe. With billions of dollars at their disposal, many in the movement are not content to achieve zero population growth. They want to see negative population numbers. They believe the population should be a low of 500 million but no more than two billion. Such a lofty goal ensures the controllers and their followers have “gainful” employment.
From Ehrlich onward, the population controllers have been peddling a magnified worst-case scenario. Everyone has read passages like the following, taken from James Coleman and Donald Cressey’s Social Problems, one of the standard social science textbooks from the 1990s:
The world’s population is exploding. The number of men, women and children is now over 5 billion. … If the current rate of growth continues, the world’s population will double again in the next 40 years…the dangers of runaway population growth can be seen in historical perspective… It took all of human history until 1800 for the world’s population to reach 1 billon people. But the next … 1 billion was added in only 130 years (1800-1930), [the next billion] after that in 30 years (1930-1960), and the next in 15 years (1960-1975). The last billion people were added in only 12 years (1975-1987). If this trend (of runaway population growth) continues the world will be soon be adding a billion people a year, and eventually every month.
International agencies made a developing country’s participation in population control a condition for funding. The agencies include the World Bank, the USAID, and the UNFPA. Under family planning or reproductive health mantras, aid agencies enlisted local allies to encourage using and distributing “supplies.” The items include condoms, birth control pills, IUDs, contraceptives, Norplant (placed under the skin), and Depo-Provera (an injection). Agencies spent millions on these supplies while sending primary health concerns like malaria to the back of the bus.
Western population control theories also formed the basis of China’s one-child policy. One likely impetus in the formation of China’s policy was The Limits to Growth, a 1972 best-selling book that “predicted that the world would come to an end by about 2070 if population growth continued.” Mao cut off most Chinese from the outside world, and the book likely did not reach a Chinese readership until 1978. Dennis Meadows, one of the authors of The Limits to Growth, stated:
We can have 1 Billion people with freedom or 9 Billion slaves. We’re at over 7 Billion right now, so we need to bring that down to 1 Billion. I hope that culling can be peaceful and slow and equal between rich and poor.
China established its one-child policy in 1980. Part of the argument for this was that China’s out-of-control population growth “was the true source of China’s backwardness.” Chinese authorities enforced the one-child policy, punishing whole towns or factories for a single unapproved child. Women who violated the system could see family members imprisoned and homes destroyed. Since most Chinese wanted a male heir, the policy led to the abortion of millions of girls. Longer-term, this has resulted in a vast gender imbalance in China, with a large surplus of men relative to women.
Later, with the onset of the AIDS epidemic, aid agencies combined HIV and family planning aid. The same facility often treated HIV patients and injected contraceptives in Africa using reused needles. The result arguably led to a considerable increase in HIV-positive people in Africa.
And we shall not forget Ted Turner:
New Normal Death Culture
In the COVID “new normal,” reduced longevity numbers favor the population controllers. That statement is not an intentional diminishment of those who indeed perished from COVID. Still, a massive number have passed and will expire due to the “mandates” and other measures implemented by the “expert” leaders. Some estimates indicate that 20 million worldwide died from COVID mRNA immunity-killing gene therapy injection. Furthermore, many thousands have perished from medical malpractice. That includes killing people with ventilators and withholding time-tested interventions with affordable medicines. The forced placement of the elderly in nursing homes to “stop the spread” was shameful. That did nothing more than multiply disease in a Gulag-like setting.
Because of the mRNA liquid death, millions worldwide now suffer heart complications, blood clots, and cancer. Many experience this firsthand, but few have the mental fortitude to make the connections. Because the experts imposed economy-killing mandates, many people suffer from poor health. Much to the hidden delight of the controllers, fertility is down, and stillborn incidents are up. Also, with the satisfaction of the people reduction alchemists, we now have a new phenomenon to deal with: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
The alarmist rhetoric aside, in the 1990s, the world’s population only increased by some 90 million per year. It has since fallen to 76 million). There was zero chance that the world would “soon be adding a billion people a year,” much less “every month.” But millions of college students learned otherwise and began to obsess about the numbers.
Few are aware that the world’s population will never double again. As we will see, it is already close to its apogee. Baby Boomers saw a doubling world population in the last half of the previous century. Numbers increased from three billion in 1960 to 7.9 billion in 2022. Regardless, the population controllers glossed over the underlying reason. The numbers didn’t double because people started breeding like rabbits. They doubled because we stopped dying at a young age thanks to medical advancements. During this period, fertility rates nosedived. There were six children per woman in 1960, falling to 2.6 by 2002.
The threat of armageddon due to questionable nation-building activities in Ukraine aside, Russia is in dire trouble with population. Between now and 2050, all indications are that Russia will lose a quarter of its people. No wonder Putin has offered money for any woman willing to have a second. South Korea’s birth rate is 1.2, and Thailand’s has a birth rate of 1.9.
Countries like France and Japan became rich before they grew old. Much of the developing world is growing old before it becomes wealthy. That is due mainly to the rapid decline in birth rates. The debate over reproductive rights and population control has a blind eye to a fact. It has to come to terms with a world in which population growth is decelerating. What remains will be from increases in the ranks of the elderly.
Now that the number of elderly people is about to peak, the world population will decline. For some countries, such as Russia, Spain, Japan, and perhaps most of Europe, the population appears to be in a frightening death spiral.
The crimes committed by the “Population Control” advocates are akin to genocide. In broader terms, it is a worldwide eugenics effort (democide). Their utter depravity shows no bounds and is expanding at an exponential rate. Their predecessors, such as Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, would be proud to have contributed in such an “admirable” way.
Some countries, especially the developed world, have voluntarily limited family sizes. International development agencies have cajoled other countries into doing so. And the governments of some other countries have mandated limits on the number of children per family.
Most of us grew up on a poisonous diet of overpopulation propaganda. Vice President Al Gore warned of an “environmental holocaust without precedent...that will engulf us if we do not stop having babies.” Most of the predicted nightmare of the growing population came not from overwhelming numbers of new babies. It is from an elderly population. With new medical procedures, the mantra lives on and on. The enormous new elderly population is what has swelled the population numbers.
Most people don’t realize that soon, the world will suffer from a shortage of young people. Detractors of this essay might admit that some population control measures in some areas may “seem harsh.” However, they will claim that the human population has overextended the earth’s ability to support humankind. They might also invoke the Pavlovian carbon footprint manta. But we know it is a massive mound of manure, as seen in my essay Climate Change Control of the Peoples.
In summary, the entire population tamping machine is about people reduction/control through a variety of measures:
Deplatforming sexual acts from procreation
Women’s health care (sterilization, contraceptives, abortion pill, and abortion up to birth)
Gender affirmation (government-sponsored reproduction organ removal, mutilation, and chemical castration)
Modern Family (built-in sterilization through relationships between same-gender and affirmed people with classical families thrown under the bus)
Minor attracted people (fiat normalization of intercourse with infertile prepubescent children, aka pedophilia)
Enlightenment enjoyment sex (perverted non-procreative sexual acts between people)
Monolith machine (promotion of self-gratification, artificial reproductive organs, and state-of-the-art sex androids)
Fall of fertility (see state-of-the-art inoculations below)
Battle against humanity
State-of-the-art inoculations (Messinger RNA gene therapy injection to tamp down natural immunity and fertility as well as birth the robotic transhuman future)
Gain of function experiments (serial passaging of microorganisms to increase their transmissibility, virulence, immunogenicity, and host tropism by applying selective pressure to a culture)
End-of-life care (euthanasia)
Food production management (starving people)
Geopolitical strife
Nation-building (conflicts, aka wars)
Diversity-Inclusion-Equity (notions such as a love of country must DIE in honor of the Novus Ordo Seclorum exemplified by open borders enabling the flow of highly toxic and deadly illicit drug poison)
Critical Race Theory (an open conspiracy theory to cancel the employment of innocent people and provide a potential platform for civil war for even more population reduction)
Energy management (decoupling the world from hydrocarbons, thus crashing economies to cull the population - no heat for you)
Bail reform (reduce the prison population and confiscate firearms from non-criminals, thus increasing the murder rate)
Of course, we all want a clean environment, and some resources are finite. The Domesday predictions about resources did not occur as predicted, and today's population replenishment rates indicate a future drop. It is time to stop the controlling charade and work on common-sense solutions to save the planet and humans.
Sources and References
Critical Works
Population Controllers, in their own words
Online Documentation
Critical Works
Frederick R. Smith’s series of essays, Sodom & Gomorra Plus
Population Controllers, in their own words
Articles on Planetary Management and other topics by Joseph George Caldwell. It’s some weird science fiction-like stuff, but the author is serious about it.
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Reminder that in 1969 Planned Parenthood produced a memo recommending strategies for population control. These include “restructuring the family,” encouragement of increased homosexuality, tax funded abortion, and sterilization. They then went on and implemented all of these.
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