This is a great article I read with much interest as I work for one of the country's largest railroads and have nearly 40 years of experience in transportation. The history of the railroads and the hundreds of small lines which have been mostly consolidated by the big players such as UP and BNSF is fascinating. Commercial railroads have evolved into efficient companies and, for the most part, are invaluable to America and global supply chains.

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Jan 28Liked by Frederick R Smith

Engrossed in the history imparted here.

Perhaps, it would be even better were those behind the curtain out of Europe's Central Banking Houses STILL in private OWNERSHIP of 'The Creature of Jekyll Island'; 'The Fed', having access to U.S. Taxpayer Funds also included as THAT is the actual owner of the Railroads, is it not? It's now common knowledge of The Black Nobility inclusive of the Central Banker Family Cartel out of The City of London to be that now OWNING EVERYTHING AND SEEKING TO ENSLAVE THE WORLD AS KING/DICTATORS MONITIZING EVEN BREATHING, PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND ALL OTHER NATURAL ACTS AS GIFTS FROM GOD TO ALL HUMANS. They are those attacking with poisons making human beings into Blue Tooth Technology for constant surveillance; those they censor and depopulate en mass.

The goal of The Black Nobility with The City of London was always 'World Colonization'. They tried numerous times to regain the landmass making up the U.S. through the British People they hide behind...In a Military fashion. The last attempt towards Foreign Occupation occured with the British/French Navies during the U.S. Civil War. When the Russian Navy blocked the harbors of the U.S.; they determined INFILTRATION OF U.S. GOVT. NECESSARY as Military Occupation was impossible. Destruction of Russia was the cost Russia continues to pay for supporting the U.S. upon Lincoln's request. This led to plans prioritizing infiltration of the U.S. Govt. by Totalitarian Fabianists out of Oxford/Cambridge; the Imperialist Nazi's to began.

Since 1900, or the advent of 'The Council For Foreign Relations' they recruited the stupid out of the Ivy League to their Imperialist cause, as Wilson. Through such weak Imperialist Nazi's; they began to sneakily regulate nullification of Inalienable Rights defined in The Constitution. Regardless of the fact of there not being enough states signing the 16th Amendment into Law, the Fabianists pushed through LEGALIZED INCOME TAX which is theft of the U.S. Worker. It was thus U.S. ENEMIES gained access to U.S. Natural Resources and what was viewed their 'HUMAN CATTLE HERD SLAVES' always camouflaged with the definition of serf/peasant, who they continue to view their 'OWNED HUMAN CATTLE HERD' to do with as they like as displayed by the current treasonous in the Federal Govt. who are not representatives for 'The People' and in fact, don't give a lousy dang about anything having to do with the people.

Were 'World Colonization', now known as 'The Great Reset' or 'New/One World Order' not the psycho/sociopaths goal, it's entirely questionable of the fact of WWI or WWII even being necessary to happen as both were planned to regain the U.S. as a returned colony. Had the U.S. not turned away from 'The League of Nations'; it's doubtful the murderous maniacs would have maneuvered WWII to happen or the CIA, the U.N or any of the other institutions treasonous to The Constitution.

HERE WE ARE TODAY FIGHTING THE SAME WAR AS THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, THE WAR OF 1812...AGAINST THE SAME ENEMY. Difference this time is those fraudulently installed into powerful positions and as majority in the Upper House as well as the Supreme Court's Justices; the TREASONOUS TO THE CONSTITUTION and loyal to The Black Nobility, are running the show and the U.S. is no longer the U.S. as it's under 'Medical Martial Law'. The Constitution is nullified leaving an UNELECTED Secretary of HHS the actual President who answers to the BUSH/CLINTON/OBASTARD Crime Families owned by the Black Nobility Imperialist Nazi's.

WILSON SOLD OUT THE UNITED STATES and no Railroad or any other Demonic Institution was or is worth the cost the U.S. population paid or continues to pay.

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This post is timely since we have been watching a series called "Hell on Wheels" about the building of the Union Pacific. Characters are loosely based on real people from the saga.

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That was a fascinating and informative read. Thank you Frederick

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Jan 27·edited Jan 27Liked by Frederick R Smith

Frederick, once again your research and literary skills shine forth in this essay. Well done.

Looking forward to your next adventure in history.

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Thanks for this amazing historical essay.

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Well done.

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Great piece... As a steam locomotive buff, I always enjoy posts about rail history. But it does make one wonder... can the government ever get anything done right?

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Jan 27Liked by Frederick R Smith

Excellence! BRAVO

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