Jul 1Liked by Frederick R Smith

"...the progressive worldview seems to have an invisible hand behind its stunning penetration of society."

What I wonder is:

Is that "invisible hand" the control of a secret cabal of world rulers?

Or is it the invisible hand" Adam Smith wrote about? I.e. Spontaneous order. Are the leftists a loosely organized group of evil people with no central control but rather just a common goal: To make government more powerful so that they can use it to steal the wealth and freedom of the good people?

Which is it? Most on the right seem to believe the former. I suspect the latter. If we hope to defeat them, we should figure out which it is.

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Worthy of discussion and analysis. Maybe a combination of all three!

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Jul 1Liked by Frederick R Smith

The fact that such an organization has been with us since before WW II gives credence to the thought that it was/is entirely a Soviet derived measure.

As a result, it should be banned and its members investigated.

Alas, never happen with the Communist dominated Congress and Senate (Democrats & Republicans) as well as the 17 Intelligence agencies.

Hats off to you, Frederick, for your detailed summary of the issue.


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I ham humbled by your comments

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Frederick R Smith

So long and short and simply put, they’re hypocrites, no ?

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Jun 30Liked by Frederick R Smith

Is that a lamp shade on her head?

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Footnote added:

This footnote was added to the essay post-publication to respond to several salient comments about the “election deniers” term used by the ADA. The lack of analysis of that term seems to have made the essay unresponsive to that important issue. Thank you all for bringing that to my attention.

The term “election denier” is a pejorative used by leftists to fabricate a straw man to divert attention from the matter at hand: election fraud. It is the quintessential example of hypocrisy as it was a “serious matter” when Hillary Clinton, Stacy Abrams, and Al Gore claimed election fraud. Legacy media never called them “election deniers.” Today, we only hear when “Republicans” are found guilty (trumped up, that is) of fraud. We rarely see any alternative stories in lazy legacy media.

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Its sad to see just how wrong people can be!

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True, That the Leftist/Socialist, so-called democrats were "Shocked" by the abysmal showing of Slo-Mo Joe at the debate shows how successful leftist Mainstream Media has been at burying the truth from democrat voters and pundits. After repeating them ad nauseam for three and a half years, many pundits and media talking heads believed their own lies. Biden is more mentally inept than many people who are in assisted living centers. It's plain elder abuse by all involved in pushing this dementia-rattled man out there as an obvious puppet. This situation puts America in a dangerous predicament internationally; Slo-Mo Joe needs to go ASAP.

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Another educational edition on the cloaked organizations that subvert America. Thank you Frederick. Disappeared like Obama's darling ACORN and reformed as something else I can't remember now. That video was particularly cringy to watch but gave an insight into their demented minds.

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Thanks, my friend, and yes, ACORN was really caustic!

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Jun 30Liked by Frederick R Smith

Thanks for this detailed description. I have seen enough to be concerned about numerous groups and individuals, but my education has not provided enough of a background to evaluate them. This essay goes a long way toward mitigating my ignorance.

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You are welcome.

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They are the denier deniers!

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Frederick R Smith

Questioning an election is Democracy and free speech. Yet you approve of illegal immigrants voting. I worked an election audit in Maricopa County . I am losing respect for your research although accurate but the dark side of ideology.

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Thanks for the candid comment. Additional notes on that topic is in order.

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In the intro, why are they not worrying about election fraud deniers?

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Footnote added:

This footnote was added to the essay post-publication to respond to several salient comments about the “election deniers” term used by the ADA. The lack of analysis of that term seems to have made the essay unresponsive to that important issue. Thank you all for bringing that to my attention.

The term “election denier” is a pejorative used by leftists to fabricate a straw man to divert attention from the matter at hand: election fraud. It is the quintessential example of hypocrisy as it was a “serious matter” when Hillary Clinton, Stacy Abrams, and Al Gore claimed election fraud. Legacy media never called them “election deniers.” Today, we only hear when “Republicans” are found guilty (trumped up, that is) of fraud. We rarely see any alternative stories in lazy legacy media.

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Questioning an election is free speech and the term denier is used to silence anyones right to the First Amendment. We have the right to question everything.

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Footnote added......

This footnote was added to the essay post-publication to respond to several salient comments about the “election deniers” term used by the ADA. The lack of analysis of that term seems to have made the essay unresponsive to that important issue. Thank you all for bringing that to my attention.

The term “election denier” is a pejorative used by leftists to fabricate a straw man to divert attention from the matter at hand: election fraud. It is the quintessential example of hypocrisy as it was a “serious matter” when Hillary Clinton, Stacy Abrams, and Al Gore claimed election fraud. Legacy media never called them “election deniers.” Today, we only hear when “Republicans” are found guilty (trumped up, that is) of fraud. We rarely see any alternative stories in lazy legacy media.

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That they were against election deniers but not election fraud deniers tells you all you need to know.

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Indeed !

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I support Frederick Smith's work but not this organization that spreads in accurate description of President Trump as a dictator and the misinformation about January 6th. Dictator when a President mandates what car to drive, who you should accept and like, promotes abortion and the LBGT agenda and making peoples lifestyle everyone elses business. The climate scam for control and the planned destruction of the meat industry and food. A war in Ukraine whose borders are more important than America. Mass immigration never voted on and the stealing from the taxpayer entitlements for entering a country illegally and not enforcement of immigration laws. No border no laws no country. Our major cities controlled by Democrats and our history. Need I say more. The Democrats protecting Antiy as they destroyed cities. We are in war for Americas soul.

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Thanks much Sue - you found a legitimate hole in my essay. I have added the footnote as I mentioned previously.

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