
Going back to at least 1980 the debt doubles roughly every 9 years. In 20 years, the debt should be at about 160 trillion. I don’t think we’ll get there. We’re nearing the end of the ponzi. I kinda think those in power know this and that’s why they care less and less about hiding their shenanigans. Frank Drevin


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Jan 16Liked by Frederick R Smith

Hi Frederick.

I just discovered your work today with this article.

It's a great explanation of the greatest con in history - the central banking system, you've laid it out in simple terms.

It has occurred to me many times that as I understand the US Constitution, and I am no expert, but it seems to me the 1913 Federal Reserve Act is actually unconstitutional. What are your thoughts on this?

I was glad to learn about 'The Money Trust' and the Pujo Committee - funny that they did exactly what the Committee seemed to be indicating not to do - create a central bank so the financiers could gain more control - it begs the question if the real purpose of the committee was to gauge how much control they had over the public narratives and the Congress itself.

I have long called the 'Money Trust' - the IBFIC, the International Banking, Finance, and Investment Cartel - which is simple the expansion of what started as the Money Trust in England in the City of London, became the expanded version in the USA, and since 1913 has expanded worldwide.

Carrol Quigley in his book Tragedy and Hope nicely summarizes the bankers success at taking control of all aspects of the US economy, and since then they've gone global.

Quigley's work was likely sponsored by them to identify how successful they have been.



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Collapse of 'The American Century': Snowden Blames Gold Standard Abandonment, Union Busting, And Post-9/11 Liberties Erosion


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The Great Taking - Documentary


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The US debt mountain is growing so fast the government could soon be spending more on interest payments than on defense


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That was an excellent distillation of a very detailed book. Great job Frederick!

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One of the best books I've ever read. It's really a must read.

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The only piece missing from this essay is the Cantillon effect which brings the benefits of the new money created into existence preferentially to the people who get it first. It's a monster. #EndTheFed

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Is President Biden “gaslighting” the American people on inflation? Some believe so


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Yes, there is almost always a hidden secret... It's how the elites roll.

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Based on what When Money Dies and Fiat Money in France describe, I would say there's no hyperinflation, yet, because it hasn't dawned on people that it's better to buy now than wait for the currency to depreciate. Hyperinflation is more of a psychological phenomenon where people lose confidence in the value of the currency.

Being able to produce potatoes and chicken is a better strategy than betting on crypto or other assets, because food becomes scarce and overpriced.

The Creature from Jekyll Island is disturbing though, because it alludes to the idea that none of this is by accident.

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Tremendous review. How much longer can it go on, the sky is the limit but we have already hit low earth orbit (at least).

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I still prefer Cash, backed by gold and silver. Or go back to coins in common denominations. I put the CC up, I know too well what overuse causes, debt you find hard to pay off. Worse than a 30-year mortgage. We've been through it. The Military didn't make much in 58-78. Pensions are still low even after all these years.

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deletedDec 8, 2023Liked by Frederick R Smith
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