That was superb Frederick! You intricately explained the whole point of free speech in a society, against the backdrop of a clearly biased viewpoint that too readily drank the KoolAid.

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I am honored!

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The apparent number of white supremacist "groups" did in fact grow tremendously in the '00s and '10s. However, the actual number of white supremacists in the United States shrank. The explanation, which I had worked out by the time I left the world of "hate speech monitoring" in 2016, is that the internet allows a shrinking, ever-splintering category of people to find one another and form multiple virtual "groups" over time, creating the appearance of proliferating hate groups. If ideological white supremacy was a real threat to the US Constitution and our American way of life, there would be broad, popular organization under some sort of unifying banner. We see the opposite because it is in fact a very marginal ideology.

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Yes, and it is repulsive how the leftist ecosystem gaslights a virtual vast swath of society with the broad brush to make anything not in line with their crummy collective worldview (cultural Marxism) as being white racism. I was a target of left hate for simply asking if it is OK to recognize heterosexuality's contribution to society. Without man and woman and natural procreation (missing in the alphabet acid mix), the intellectual giants with pickled pea brains would not be here to tamp us down. Think about it, these mindless robots making humankind into a transhuman machine-like apparatus are the very dopes who also say we must return to nature.

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Thanks for calling out the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)!!!

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Indeed - they would have some legitimacy if they reported left wing hate and violence.

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I am not ready for anybody to disrespect my views, or any others. What about the First Amendment do they not understand?


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It is amazing, eh?

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The part that is amazing is the radicals on both sides, even though the far right wing is but a small fraction of the far left, a very small fraction.

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Indeed - from the leftist worldview even middle of the road is far right in thier pickled pea brains.

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You are, of course, correct.

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I would be one of those despised Christian WHITE Nationalists. Anyone may go right ahead and call me a racist. I will just smile and continue to stand. Multiculturalism is the destruction of a society, culture, nation...and soon, all of Western Civilization. The Founding Father's insisted on citizenship for only White Europeans

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I’ll just say, this character, whoever it is - what a first class arrogant asshole 🤬

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Hi Frederick,

you are a model of courtesy and moderation!

I am sometimes tempted to say that the intolerant do not deserve it... but all things considered your attitude is the wisest, and probably the most effective.

To return to the heart of the subject, it is perfectly stupid to claim that religion has no place in the political debate: religion IS political by nature since it carries a project of society - for better or for worse...

It is therefore obvious that wanting to silence certain voices is trying to eliminate a project of society, a precise model of social relations and the moral values ​​that build them.

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Wow, I need to take an anti-swelling tablet for that salient comment.

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I agree with every point. Frederick is a class act.

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Oh, my goodness but the anti-hate side hates this.

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Wow thank you! It is extremely difficult to not lash out and BP goes up. But this works well in the end (for reasons we understand). Thank you again!

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A quick check at Wikipedia reveals that someone won a 1995 Pulitzer for reporting on “employee racial discrimination allegations in the SPLC”. In 2019 one of the founders quit “dogged by accusations of internal discrimination against minority employees”. An employee wrote at the time “unchecked power of lavishly compensated white men at the top" of the SPLC contributed to a culture which made black and female employees the targets of harassment”.

For all I know the Alliance Defending Freedom are moneygrubbing carpetbaggers too.

This is why I get my news from Substack and honest citizens like Fred Smith, who has the courage to tackle a tough topic like this with an even-handed but firm mentality. People who love God and love their nation are not terrorists. Duh.

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Thanks Jim and same back to you!

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The "tolerant" Left is only tolerant of their viewpoint. I run into the same problem on one of our local social media boards where they don't like opposing opinions.

Yet I will keep working to educate them.

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Keep it up my friend!

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"Anti-racist and LGBTQ+-inclusive initiatives, which are widely popular with the general public," is the phrase catching my eye as this concept instantly prompts the gag reflex. Great Job arguing for the opposite to be actual fact.

Sylvester Stalone, Mel Gibson, Kurt Russel are only a few REAL MEN no longer residing in Hollywood or CA now located far from the depravity of Satanism/Luciferianism of Hollywood. They're all now producing their own 'Independent Movies' and claim there to be a significant; if not majority market for them in the United States.

They too, are sickened by the WOKE IDENTITIES, PRONOUN CONFUSION, GAY RELATIONSHIPS now displayed in all entertainment. They recognize the WEAKENED, SPOILED, and MENTALLY UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS OPPOSING THE BIBLE now exhibited as normal when they are not and in fact are leading to the DESTRUCTION OF THE UNITED STATES.

More and more people are finding and supporting our Family Oriented Traditional Christian Culture the Pagan Demon Worshipers now demolish OPENLY. This reality wrote of here is a wonderful escape from the delusional presentation now common to destroy America from healthy patriotism which still undergirds the majority of America. THERE WILL BE NO NORMALIZATION OF THE EVIL BEING BRAINWASHED INTO THE AMERICAN COLLECTIVE PSYCHE.

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I am honored and thank you!

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Thanks Gail!

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Well written Frederick and coming at a time where all segments of our society will want to contribute their opinions. In a free republic with a Bill of Rights every person and\or group religious or otherwise has to be able to have their voices heard without worrying about their safety. In that way the United States of America will continue to be the bastion of freedom in the world.


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Thanks Walt - I appreciate the support.

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