Jun 29Liked by Frederick R Smith

Quote from book, The Brotherhood of Darkness, by Stanley K. Monteith M.D.


"Remember those lines of Tennyson that Churchill called 'the most wonderful of modern prophesies' and that Harry Truman carried in his wallet throughout his life:

Locksley Hall

poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson

For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see,

Saw the Vision of the world, and all the wonder that would be.

Heard the heavens fill with shouting, and there rain'd a ghastly dew

From the nations' airy navies grappling in the central blue. . .

Till the war-drum throbb'd no longer, and the battle flags were furl'd

In the Parliament of Man, the Federation of the World.

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Dr. Stan the man! I relish his broadcasts.

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May 27Liked by Frederick R Smith

Very well written and stated, for the content and the facts you provide are absolute. Our country is falling into this devolving sinkhole of self acrimony if you happen to be white, male and heterosexual. DEI is the result of decades of Oligarchy reign and intelligence agencies turned inward. Keep up the great work.

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Thank you and my pleasure.

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Well said and one of my many pet peeves with the Uniparty government running our country. The government gets around the aiding and abetting illegals by using NGO's like the Catholic church and so many other front groups.

Another aspect to this is cheap labor. Big money follows cheap labor and our wages are being systematically lowered by this Illegal immigration and inflation. Supply and demand. The Chamber of Commerce is another big advocate of open borders.

So many sources working against the American worker and taxpayer, including our own government.

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by Frederick R Smith

Well done. Gives good background to understanding propaganda as a tool to mold public opinion and misuse of it.

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Thanks Walt!

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Frederick R Smith

I used to believe that President Nixon made a long distance phone call to the Men on the Moon.

But it was just a movie...


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Trust in God, not men or governments.

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Graphene oxide conjugated to PEG and PEI as a antigen delivery system https://jessicar.substack.com/p/graphene-oxide-conjugated-to-peg?utm_medium=ios

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along sorry

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I shared this article on Twitter alon with three other of your pages.

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USA haters, as pawns of the global psychopaths, employ gaslighting techniques to twist the word “nationalism” (read Nazi) in a broad brush smear of patriots. WOKE folk can pillage and murder but walk free. Meanwhile, people who did not harm anybody during the January 6 incident face solitary confinement as political prisoners. And, of course, to love your nation makes you a xenophobe at best and a domestic terrorist at worst. The WOKE religion, coupled with the detestable Critical Race (conspiracy) Theory, comprises a fusion of power to program people to hate their nation. Behold the transition from patriot to Citizen of the World. Perhaps “New Order People” will be made in a Soylent Green setting.

Thank you for this excellent history lesson on the deep state striving for world domination and the suppression of sovereignty among nations.

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I am humbed and honored !

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Ubiquitous Federal Nudge Platoons by Kris Bray https://chrisbray.substack.com/p/ubiquitous-federal-nudge-platoons

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Frederick R Smith

This is super and thank you. Much reading for today. I believe I cross posted earler today. Have lost track - in the middle of recording sessions.

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Can't wait for Part 4.

two things,

First, "SAVE TO DISC," Folks.

Second, now to go back and read all three parts AGAIN!

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Frederick R Smith


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deletedFeb 22, 2023Liked by Frederick R Smith
Comment deleted
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Thanks for the constructive comment. Indeed, the other hazards are there but only through a link to the list of cars. The spilled petroleum is indeed problem for the environment. My focus was the operation elements but your point is well taken.

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