Aug 10·edited Aug 10Author

Kamala Explains Everything: Population Reduction, Kids are Stupid


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India is a freaking mess!

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by Frederick R Smith

One of the reasons for population explosion in some countries is because the people behind the welfare scams pay these lazy bastards to stay home and not work. They GIVE them welfare, schooling, housing and everything else they need to survive so they spend their waking hours having sex with multiple women who end up on welfare with kids they birth. So lazy people are rewarded while working families can't afford to have children and they don't. I say have as many children that YOU can afford to feed, clothe and house. DON'T EXPECT ME to support your lazy ass. It's so backasswards as to be BEYOND ludicrous. The illegals coming in the the US are fed, clothed, housed and receive "education" and medical at OUR expense. Kick their ass to the curb and tell the to go back and learn how to run their own country instead of expecting us to take care of them.

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The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) is raising concern over declining global birth rates, which experts predict will dip below the replacement rate, 2.2, for the first time in human history.


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Jan 16Liked by Frederick R Smith

It occurred to me while reading this essay that Malthus was put to work to create a philosophy that diverted attention from the global Monopoly Capitalism machine and global Money Trust of banks and central bankers, which extract wealth from humanity and impoverish the population from the bottom up, because there is not a single British elite of their intelligentsia that I can find for the last 250 years that has honestly addressed the elephant in the room, which is the public-private partnership of the monarchies, the bankers, and the control of The Crown, otherwise called government, for the express purposes of waging war on humanity, increasing totalitarianism worldwide, and wealth extraction - all for the ancient Roman Quest of world domination, which today is called World Government, and has an organization devoted to it funded by the absolute monarchies of the United Arab Emirates -one of the neo-monarchies the British and other nations created post WW2.

In addition to that Malthus laid the groundwork for the stepping stones to eugenics, the Club of Romes Limits to Growth etc. At no point did anyone consider the simple solutions as presented by Sir Stapledon in his works on creating an abundance of food. It is always the problem is over-population and there are limits to resources. The real limits are those imposed from the top down. Our western closet fascist leaders have for thousands of years used scarcity to control the populations. Which is why the white people of all the British colonies when placed in nations filled with resources, abundant land, and abundant wild foods grew into a tall stout race of people that made their stunted British cousins look like midgets. Abundant food creates healthy races of people. The exact opposite of what fascist ruling elites wants, as made clear in countless books by the British elites, but most notably by George Bernard Shaw in his 1953 (?) book The Impact of Science on Society, where he makes the arguments for sterilizing 95% of the population and keeping them from revolting against the 'elites.'

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There appears to be a feud going on between these people you speak of and the elders of Zion.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by Frederick R Smith

I think it is the same group - They appear to be fighting but it is the charade to get all the cannon fodder into the fight. Putin is on the same team as Biden. Biden is on the same team as Xi Jinping. The BRICS are working hard to divide the world into 2 camps, just like they did before WW2. The BRICS are doing 100% of all the same policies for tyranny as the western Marxist-Fascists. And they are helping Biden blow up the US dollar. China is flooding the USA with fentanyl and illegals. They are all in it together trying to deceive the people of nations to hate each other and go to war.

All roads lead to the International Money Cartel, (think bankers, the Money Monopoly and Monopoly Capitalism), to Rome, (think the Vatican and the power that is really behind this political and war mongering institution and its quest for world domination), and to Zion, (think Elders of Zion, and all of the western elite ruling families that track their lineage back to the 13 tribes of Israel - let's call them the Zionist Imperial Cult).

The Crown Monarchy System is the system of totalitarianism and slavery that we have lived under for thousands of years, which is the elites of the 1% have by hereditary right the right to rule, imposed by the rule of Might is Right, and they use the top 10% as useful idiots to control and enslave the 90% under their Pyramids of Power, which is a monopoly on EVERYTHING and in this way they extract all the wealth from the slaves (called citizens and consumers today) and transfer it to the top of the pyramid to the 1% -

And this is what creates the never ending cycles of poverty, with today the bottom 55%, that's 4.4 billion only having the clothes on their backs- which are deemed 'useless eaters.'

And because this monopolistic economic system based on fiat banking is inherently unstable and creates these imbalances, because that's the design, the elites don't want the masses to challenge them or to come for them they regularly seek to depopulate the masses and reset the system - hence King Charles and Klaus Schwab's 2020 Covid-19: The Great Reset.

The greatest Evil that perpetuates this is the debt and usury based money system because all cash is Central Bankers cash - debt and interest, and all credit is debt and interest, so it's a gigantic wealth sucking parasitic machine. And the banks called 'too big to fail' are those that own the system - and the group at the top are the International Money Cartel, once a well known name but today scrubbed from the public discussion - who owns it - bankers, billionaires and monarchies, because they are the groups that established all banks, all multinationals (for waging war) and all central banks.

The top predators are the bankers, billionaires and monarchies - that's the partnership. And the elites of this elite group those at the very, very top, who do none of the real work but call all the shots, we can call them the Zionist Imperial Cult - the very top of this tree are those that track their families lines not just back to the Roman Imperial Cult - which decided on who the Emperors were, and the Popes later, and were the group that transformed the system to the Roman Catholic Church Monarchy and Empire - the Vatican remember is a monarchy, the Pope is crowned King of Kings, an ancient doctrine coming from the Annunaki's Crown Monarchy system used to enslave all mankind under one global monarchy system.

The War on Humanity is a war waged by this group at the very top against their own people as well as pitting us against other nations and using us as cannon fodder - the wars not only good for increased power, profits, and politics, but serve to rebalance the system of imbalances of extractive Monopoly Capitalism, and serves to kill off many of the 'useless eaters' impoverished by this system of slavery we live in.

I've just been revising the history of WW2 and I recommend you revise these 2 books below - both short. And it illustrates a lot of what I have been saying here in this comment. The war is always our own elites against the majority of the citizens.

In those 2 books you will see that Britain wanted WW2 -

My theory is that the British Zionist elites are the leading faction in the Crown Monarchy Wars and when the British rose to prominence by the 1800s with the colonial wars worldwide, they displaced the German Holy Roman Empire which had lasted a thousand years under their Emperors, but failed to fulfill the Vatican's objectives of world domination.

The Germans then tried to reboot their Holy Roman Empire with the Weimar Republic-the Second Empire and WW1 came along and the Allies destroyed Germany and the monarchy ending the German Emperors reign forever, and the Versailles Treaty was designed to impoverish the shit out of Germany to destroy their power and prevent it rising again.

Hitler was reboot 3, but likely working for the British Zionists in order to take us all to war. The communists tried to take Germany in the 1930s but the German patriots and elites, of which there were still many, stopped them dead in their tracks. But the mass poverty and misery created post WW1 created the conditions for a new power, and into this space came Hitler. I personally believe he was a Zionist agent, and he betrayed them all took all to war, and the war was used to fulfill the objectives of the Zionist faction.

In WW1 they also eliminated 2 other contenders to the world crown - the Russian Emperor Czar Nicholas and the Ottoman Empire.

It is clear from reading these books below, that the objective for WW2 was to smash the German people, and after the war they imposed such deprivations on them that millions died. That's the true Holocaust - the Ethnic German Holocaust imposed by the Allies.

But in addition to that, apart from driving the Jews to Palestine, which is what the Zionists want, anyone who refused to go they did their best to kill them off.

Have you ever asked yourself why the Zionists want Israel????

And that they have used all sorts of bullshit to justify taking Palestine for Israel, since they declared war on the Ottoman Empire in 1897 at the first World Zionism Congress with the Basel Manifesto (it's on Wiki and well worth reviewing to understand it was a declaration of war.)

Why did they want Israel?

Because the Bible's Book of Revelation is not a set of prophecies - it's a plan of action. To bring back the "Messiah" - the King for all of the Earth!!!!!

How - Armageddon - the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse - famine, disease, war and death - It's a plan of action, it is not a prophecy. They needed Israel to fulfill the prophecy, the End Times Plan of Action - they've been formenting war between Jews (more useful idiots) and Muslims since early in the 20th century.

WW3 actually began a long time ago - Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars - have your read it? Download it and read it. A training manual for psychopaths to kill people in nations worldwide. Silent civil wars.

Regarding the Bible - all books in ancient times were written for the priests and ruling elites. And they were written in code so that only the initiated knew how to read it. Double talk.

And that's what the Bible's true purpose is - it holds the secrets to the War on Humanity, and turns good people who believe in the good parts into useful idiots for the wars of the Crown Monarchy System of the Vatican, and the true power behind it, the Zionist Imperial Cult, who want to return to a monarchy based world and rule over mankind as slaves.

As soon as the Roman Empire flipped Christian-Catholic they used the 'Christians' - most of whom could not read back then - to massacre anyone who refused to convert or leave the Roman Empire - that's when the Dark Ages really began-with the Vatican's fascism, never ending wars, religious intolerance, and genocides.

"Love thy neighbor but kill for the king."

The War on Humanity continues, we are witnesses to the mass genocide of humanity, once again, but because they control all aspects of society, and have created the most powerful Mind Control Matrix in history with their control over the Internet, all things digital, and they flood the zone with disinformation, it is extremely hard to fight back, not impossible and we must all do our part to try and turn the tide, but the wave right now is like a tsunami and it is going to wash over the majority and drown a lot of people right out.

I have in the last year hardened my heart to this, and while resolved to try and do what I can, I constantly think about how to survive it all, because we can see them ramping it up step-by-step, but the sleeping masses of digital addicts still wearing their face-masks are blind, and in fact while we all are helping finance the Evil that rules humanity these sleep walking digital slaves are helping them push us into digital fascism, a dystopian digital prison planet.

But on the brighter side, we don't need them all, we only need enough to shout back against the Evil, which has multiplied dramatically thanks to globalization and the multinationals cartel of the World Economic Forum, where the useful idiots that work for the global institutions and corporations imagine they are global citizens, and have no loyalty to their fellow citizens in the nations they live!

Ah I do rant don't I!

Thanks for turning up Courageous Lion, nice to see you.


The Falsehoods of World War 2 -


Germany Must Perish - Theodore N. Kaufman 1940


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That is a lot to digest and parts I know. Of course I have a different perspective on some matters but to keep it saileint, it is not important to cogitate on the debatable items. We have a common enemy and squabbling is just what the Reincarnated Illuminati want and we shall not give to them what they want.

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Jun 8Liked by Frederick R Smith

Exactly. I have come to the conclusion that the greatest enemy we face are the banksters, the International Money Cartel, they have enslaved all of humanity with their fake money system and their Money Monopoly and Central Banks Cartel - and they are the most powerful force on the planet pushing the digital dystopian prison planet system of digital everything and CBDCs, plus they are driving the climate change lies with the Net Zero Banking Alliance. Greedy psychopathic genocidal bankers.

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Sperm reduction


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One reason for that is porn. So many men are addicted and use it so often they can't build the count up.

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Another population control measure !

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The problem is... you, the author, are not truly awake if you believe there was a respiratory illness spreading around the world. There was no virus, there was no pandemic - people died of different reasons, nothing to do with "virus". I truly believe because of people like you, the "truth" movement is so divided.

"there is a virus but not dangerous, there is a dangerous virus but only to people over 80 yrs old, the virus is not dangerous and mRNA injections are not necessary, but not harmful, mRNA could be fatal, but it stops transmission, people in care homes died of virus, people in care homes could have been treated with simple medicines...." and so on.

It is simple: there was NO VIRUS, it was all a lie, a hoax... that you fell for, unfortunately, thus you cannot be fully awake my friend.

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Before we engage in dialog, I must ask - do you believe that virus exist at all?

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I know I sure don't. Too much evidence points to it all being a scam from the get go back 100 years or more. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/toxicology-vs-virology

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Frederick R Smith

I know where you're going with it :)

I suppose I could answer like this: no, I don't believe in viruses, I believe in toxins that make people sick. However, every single person on earth who is not "in the club" knows about "existence of viruses" from one and only source: the "experts", exactly the same ones who told us that Covid injections are great, safe and effective. There is literally no way for us, plebs, to tell for sure if viruses exist, we are relying on "them" to tell us. And guess what? I don't believe a single thing these paid-off "scientists" are telling the population, taking into account last 3 years of this lunacy.

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Thanks for the honesty. Frankly, we may never fully be on the same page on this point. I could even be totally paranoid and say you are a psyops agent. But I do not think so. Regardless, to go down the rabbit hole about not being fully awake does not help our cause. We need to get people to understand we are indeed under psyops. It is a terrible thing we need to work on to fight together.

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One for you Frederick. WELL worth the watch...https://odysee.com/@spacebusters:c9/Final-The-End-of-Germ-Theory:8

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Frederick R Smith

Thanks for a civilised reply :)

I'd like to add that agreeing to the idea of existence of a virus they called "Covid-19" is, in my opinion, dangerous simply because it justifies, to some extent, the "vaccine" mandates and other restrictions, however illegal they might have been. Had the "virus" (or whatever else caused the illness, I call it fear, 24/7 propaganda, lockdowns, lack of sun, toxins, years of abusing our bodies with unhealthy lifestyle, seasonal flu [which again is not proven to be caused by any viruses]) been much more dangerous, the admission of its existence could cause much more severe reaction from brainwashed people, i.e. "justified" elimination of "dirty and unvaxxed" and would give more ammunition to the monsters running the show.

By denying the virus ever existed, we are removing the ideas of "vaccine" passports and restrictions entirely.

In my humble opinion, only the realisation that literally EVERYTHING we are told is a massive lie, can save us all. We cannot believe one thing they say (viruses exists) and then claim some other things are not true, coming from the same mouth (e.g. vaccines are safe and effective). They are lying about everything.

Anyhow, we are 100% in agreement regarding the main, core problem: we are being pushed into a totalitarian, global state. Not sure if there is a way out apart from a mass non-compliance, however, given the brain-state (most people are basically stupid) of most of our population, I am a bit sceptical about it. The entire system is rigged. As an example: we are all trying to oppose CBDC, which will (obvious to me!) enslave us all. We want to use cash as much as we can. Cash... a money created by the same perpetrators wanting to introduce CDBC... I personally don't think there is a way out of this nightmare, we will need to learn to live in it, navigate this lunacy the best we can and avoid injections at all cost. I am of course open to debate this (forget the "virus"), as I don't really see any alternatives apart from toppling the entire system, but it means trying to convince people there is a conspiracy on the top level... but they are all busy queuing for their new booster...

On another note - there is a massive push in media now regarding "children's pneumonia"... Of course people are going to believe it is caused by some mysterious virus / bacteria, but it is nicely coinciding with the rollout of the "flu vaccine" offered to... children in UK. Boris Johnson (UK ex-prime minister) said that if there was a virus affecting mainly children (which is a statement that is oozing with illogical, even moronic way of thinking), the restrictions, lockdowns, "health passports" will be necessary and much more stricter than previously. So people are going to believe we need to get together and save children... AGAIN falling for the psyop. But this time the illness will be real, caused by the nasal flu "vaccines", so people like us will have much less leverage when fighting yet another plandemic.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023Author

Well said. I just have a hard time by a few who insist viruses do not exist at all. If they don't then how do the common cold illnesses pass between people? And we are aware of the dangerous gain of function experiments. If a virus is not the basis of COVID, the testing would have to be totally fake. Even if we seem to diverge that COVID is caused by an underlying corona, we agree the machine uses it to control, kill, and abuse people.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023Liked by Frederick R Smith

Everyone has their own path they follow in discovering the truth. For me, even few years ago, a subject about "vaccine passports" was a "talk of a schizophrenic, deluded conspiracy theorist". How quickly did it become a reality was shocking.

Regarding "viruses" - I am not in any position to try and convince anyone they don't exist. It is worth, in my opinion, to ask some questions from a wider perspective, for example:

1. How much do we, as a humanity, understand about human bodies? We are all connected to the nature, to the Earth, and perhaps common cold is nothing else than a nature telling us to detox? Maybe humans, who are detoxing (excreting toxins gathered throughout the entire year) are somehow "telling" other humans to do the same, whoever is in the near vicinity? It is a common knowledge that if you put women together in one close environment, their periods start to synchronise. Why? We don't know. Same could be with the "common cold", which is just nothing else but our bodies detoxing... and telling others to do the same.

2. Testing (especially PCR tests) are a fraud. Even their inventor (Kary Mullis) said, that PCR tests should not be used to test for "cases", they are not designed for the job. Literature is full of articles about it, of course most of them were censored during 2020/21.

3. All of the deaths attributed to Covid were nothing else but: malpractice, fake, or a simple murder (like people starved to death in hospitals, only to have Covid on their death certificates as a cause of death).

There are hundreds of examples like above, which came to light during the plandemic - media lies, politician lies etc.

The whole situation was created by incredibly well orchestrated "deep event", exactly like 9/11 and other major events changing the face of the world forever. If you believe in viruses - so be it, but if you dig deeper you will realise that during alleged pandemic there was no new virus, it was just a flu re-branded. And then, step by step, I realised that everything was a lie, going back decades... about viruses etc.

By the way - elites would never risk their lives by releasing a virus that was originally not too dangerous. They were laughing in our faces partying hard, while most of the population was locked up. It was not incompetence. It was a deliberate, orchestrated event that scared people into doing illogical, often dangerous things.

This article could perhaps be a good starting point regarding the origins of the "pandemic". I am not sure if the author believes in viruses or not, but the key bullet points at the start of the article chronologically explains why the bankers needed the pandemic.


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This is excellent: All Roads Lead to Depopulation - Part 4


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"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." ~ H. L. Mencken

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How about a new term; over elitism.

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The American Medical Association (AMA) will debate whether to reverse its stance on assisted suicide at its next interim meeting November 10-14. A set of resolutions proposed by AMA’s Resident and Fellow section suggest the association abandon its opposition to assisted suicide and change its official language from “assisted suicide” to “medical aid in dying” (MAID).


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I think these people don’t realize that, due to their actions, things could spin out of control. They think they can control it, but that just reveals a deep seated lack of imagination. I don’t picture them actually retaining power through it, or even surviving.

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God save us from the do-gooders. Somehow every crisis that is propagandized is one the purported of which gives these elites vast power.

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Indeed - like society that goes on due to the desire of most people to contribute to the true common good. On the other hand, the “elite” work in concert (unknowingly?) to tamp down society since we are nothing more than insects in their pea brain “thinking.”

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Purported solution, that is,

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Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins for a reason.

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How is pride a "deadly sin"? Who is damaged by "pride"? Just curious.

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I think pride doesn’t just mean feeling good about a job well done, it’s the feeling that you are better than anyone and are justified ruling over and abusing others. Maybe we really need two different words.

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Another way to say it, using pride to project or to poke in the eye is the problem. Look at who and how pride gets used these days. Words and objects get twisted or shifted like a rainbow which is otherwise a beautiful thing. Thus, we should not use that word (P) and, in its place, use words such as recognize and encourage, like in natural and healthy behaviors.

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Sep 24, 2023·edited Sep 24, 2023Author

Indeed, no wonder that word is used, abused, and magnified these days! That along with lust.

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Deagel Population Forecast of Nearly 70 Percent Fewer Americans by 2025 Is Starting To Look Prophetic


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Major 'Population Correction' Coming For Humanity, Scientist Predicts https://www.sciencealert.com/major-population-correction-coming-for-humanity-scientist-predicts

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Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a law on July 27, 2023, severely restricting pro-life activities, including sidewalk counseling outside abortion facilities and advertising for women’s pregnancy help centers. The bill claims to address women’s care clinics using “misrepresentation” and “false pretense” by helping women choose life. The Thomas More Society immediately filed a lawsuit against Illinois’ attorney general on behalf of several pro-life groups in the state.

The “good” governor is from the same family that lavishes billions on the trans community. Thus, they tirelessly work to reduce the population by ensuring abortion and removing reproductive organs. Worse yet, those of us who clearly see this reality get to be tagged as potential domestic right-wing terrorists. It is a matter of projection.


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