There is no better goal for psychiatry than to help people learn what they believe in via empathy, authenticity, and unconditional positive regard. While it is inarguable that every human has different values and viewpoints, in most cases it is better for a person to understand and accept himself than not to. Moral relativism has ruined America; but it has nothing to do with a person's gaining insight into his own motivations and core beliefs.

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Charles - you comments are always welcome. Of course therapy is a necessary thing for those who need it. My intent is to show that without a moral compass as a guide it goes off the rails. So we might not fully agree but at least we can have a civil discourse. For some strange reason your comment appears in my post about the Octopus.

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Thanks for this

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Your comments show up on my Octopus essay!

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Based on the photo, 50% of the ADA are morbidly obese and will die early deaths from heart disease. They are as relevant as dinosaurs or Lizzy. I cannot get excited about the existence of the ADA. I am just anxious for November when the next season of riots begin. I hope we see lots more pictures of hysterical women howling when Trump is re-elected.

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Thanks Charles. For some strange reason your comment appears in my post PROMIS and the Octopus. This happens to other as well.

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My computer has been cursed by demons. I have called an exorcist. Things should clear up soon.

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Jun 20Liked by Frederick R Smith

That's a WOW! from me.

I just now completed a substack post that needed a reference to PROMIS and The Octopus - Northern Ireland now has an integrated piece of software running its Justice systems - and I'm making an arguement for NeoFascism here, together with a warning about what can go wrong.

As you have shown, things can go from bad to worse.

Shameless plug :


I'm looking forward to reading about BCCI

FYI the Netflix documentaries 'The Octopus' are also watchable

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Indeed, wow, and this connection. Keep me posted.!

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Frederick R Smith

Romans 8:21

that creation would be set free from decay and would share in the glorious freedom of his children.

Contemporary English Version


Future Glory

…20For the creation was subjected to futility, not by its own will, but because of the One who subjected it, in hope 21that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God. 22We know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until the present time.…


This wicked world system, this valley of tears, was created in perfect beauty by the One True God of all, but the the Fall of man in the Garden of Eden is now our burden.

I believe God intended for there to be sovereign nation states but the mystery of iniquity was alive and well throughout history.

We have sacred revelation in the Logos, the sacred scriptures and sacred tradition.

Seek Truth and the One Who is Truth.

My Church does not believe in "free speech" or even in the "Bill of Rights." That is not the way of Jesus Christ the King and His Kingdom.

My Church does believe in righteous and free discourse in search of deeper truth within this world system so that we can enact righteous laws and boundaries for the common good.


I tried to better understand my Church's doctrine regarding "free speech" and I received this communication...

"If I am not mistaken Leo XIII in an encyclical condemned this notion of "Free Speech." I am pretty sure it is in Libertas: https://www.papalencyclicals.net/leo13/l13liber.htm


Fr. Tobias Bayer, I.C.R.


Most Holy Trinity Seminary

https://mostholytrinityseminary.org/ "


I am at such a low level of spirituality that I know I read this encyclical and I know that I do not fully understand it. I need to be taught it clearly, but so far I cannot find that instruction.

Christ the King will guide our individual paths and will help us to use the sword of Truth Who Is Christ the King.


Matthew 6:33

Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you.


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"As further detailed in Koffler’s book, both sides are being played against each other to bring the country down." It's kayfabe, "(in professional wrestling) the fact or convention of presenting staged performances as genuine or authentic."

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For some very strange reason, your comment shows up in my post PROMIS and the Octopus!


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May 24Liked by Frederick R Smith

What an interesting story.

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May 24Liked by Frederick R Smith

Here in England I was ashamed of the white coward behind him to his left. I want that man named and shamed.

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Greetings from "across the pond." It seems comments from another post are being misdirected to this one - PROMIS and the Octopus. Which post of mine one are you commenting about? Thanks.

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May 24Liked by Frederick R Smith

Ahh it is the biden speech at Morehouse. I am disgusted but not surprised by the cowardly inaction of the cowardly white man who sat dumbstruck as biden called him a racist and a bigot.

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Strange technical glitch at Substack! Now I understand...

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May 6Liked by Frederick R Smith

Terrific historical expose and extremely well documented. Interviews chosen well. Congrats

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Apr 8Liked by Frederick R Smith

Thanks to the complete failure of the 3rd Obama administration to develop sane and logical programs, America is on the verge of financial and military failure. It became a spiritual failure during the previous century. While I do no approve of Brandon's idiotic statements, this time, with the USA failing in all of its worldwide missions, with terrorists living in this nation (while the White House encourages the entry of even more illegals), there are US Navy vessels locked up in the Port of Baltimore that may be unable to participate in our wars of conquest in Ukraine and the Mideast, unless Biden's dream team of perverts and fools pull off a miracle.

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Mar 16Liked by Frederick R Smith

The larger the government the lower the efficiency. Our present government has hit a new low and they are in unison to hit an even lower low. A major contributor to this is the DEI system which always produces the product called mediocrity!!!!!!

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MACAWOKE is acid vomit. Make America Communist Altogether While Overlooking Known Evil. Mac-A-Woke.

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Mar 4Liked by Frederick R Smith

When politicians start telling you about safety, get very nervous and remember they are the ones who fund wars with your money. How safe is that?

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Feb 29Liked by Frederick R Smith

Shouldn’t Hank Johnson first ensure that Guam is not going to tip over before pumping billions of dollars into transit boondoggles?

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Great point on the necessity of prioritizing funding!

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We have a remarkable shared history. 40 comments by now!

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Awaken The Lions In Truth

Best write up about the connection of US USRA Railroads and the passage of the nefarious Fed Reserve Act of 1913 I have seen.

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Wow I appreciate the comment, particularly here at the post about the Octopus!

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Thank you kind sir!

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Jan 13Liked by Frederick R Smith

18. Destruction of the US military through progressive policies which cause enlistments to plummet as we see currently with every service except the Marines missing their 2023 first term enlistment numbers by the thousands.

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