
MAGA Slams Ukraine Strike on Crimea: 'World War III in Overdrive'


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Thanks for your research. I used an article of yours on Laura Aboli to write an essay @ https://www.elliswashingtonreport.com/transhumanism-the-endgame-review-of-2023-speech-of-laura-aboli/ Keep up the good work!

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Thank you and I am honored!

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Jun 17Liked by Frederick R Smith

This was very understandable!! Thank you for your hard-writing, clear, and thorough explanations. Your comparisons helped me a lot!

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You are quite welcome!

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Another Laken Riley, Rachel Morin, mom of 5.

Rachel Morin murder: Illegal immigrant from El Salvador charged in rape, killing of Maryland mom-of-5

Martinez-Hernandez was in the US for six months before he allegedly targeted Morin while she was walking alone on the Ma & Pa Heritage Trail in Bel Air.

Her naked body suffered such severe trauma that family said it looked as though “her head had been smashed in with a rock.”

“Victor Hernandez did not come to this country to make a better life for him or his family, he came here to escape the crimes he committed in El Salvador. He came here to murder Rachel and God-willing, no one else,” Gahler said.

“But that should have never been allowed to happen.”


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Jun 16Liked by Frederick R Smith

McCarthy was right all along. This country owes him an apology. Those "10" and many others he pursued, while at the time denying they were communists, years later admitted they were dedicated socialists or communists and they continued thier work of corrupting this country. Now today, communists run rampant everywhere in a bloodlust to destroy this country. Time to round up every marxist, communist, socialist, progressive, demorat and rino republican and have them all executed for treason. This includes anyone trying to protect or make excuses for them

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I tend to think in terms of those who are or not agents of the human ant hill. Communists are, Nazis were, present deep state is. They are all just different versions of the ant hill. As they say, there are 2 types of people, those who want to control people and those who don’t. A friend just came back from Scandinavia and mentioned that they have a deep hatred of Russians, but it’s not ideological, it’s historical. If you go near DC do not use a credit or debit card, pay cash. The cards are another lever of their power (Avoid cards generally.)

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I love the ant hill analogy!

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I hope to do an essay on it.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Frederick R Smith

You might enjoy "The Foe Within" by William C. Fuller.

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Checking it out now!

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I hope you write an essay once you have read For Within Fantasies Treason.

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ISIS, Illegal Gangs, and Chinese Drug Slaves: Map Shows Which Open-Border Nightmare Is in Your State

The article focuses on three groups that have illegally crossed into our nation thanks to President Biden's suicidal plan of leaving the borders unprotected:


Venezuelan gangs

Chinese drug farms using slave labor.

Federal law enforcement recently arrested eight suspected terrorists with links to ISIS who crossed Biden's border. They were busted in New York City, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles. All eight are Russian nationals from Tajikistan, several of whom were stopped at the border and released into our now-vulnerable nation.

In light of FBI Director Wray’s recent appearances before Congress warning of the elevated threat level within the US, combined with far too many recent examples of known or suspected terrorists discovered within the country, why hasn’t an National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin been issued?

Is it because the administration doesn’t want to point the finger back at themselves by recognizing via an NTAS bulletin that the mess they have created at our borders and within the country has undercut our entire homeland security system? The games at DHS need to stop. The American people deserve to be protected. —Charles Marino, former DHS senior law enforcement advisor.


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Jun 16Liked by Frederick R Smith

Don’t forget to mention eliminating our strategic oil reserves when speaking of national security !

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BREAKING: House of Representatives Passes Bill for Mandatory Military Registration of Young Men Between 18 and 26

House Armed Services Committee (HASC) approved an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2025.

Time to update to include 18-26 year old females who have been in combat roles since 2001. Before 2001, American servicewomen had largely been kept out of ground combat. History.


Fred has written more history than most of us learned. Deborah Samson was a surprise to me. I read the historical novel, but it only scratched the surface.

Deborah Sampson: Her Incredible Story as a Continental Soldier in the American Revolution

Deborah Sampson as portrayed in her 1797 Memoir Deborah Sampson (Dec. 17, 1760 – April 29, 1827) enlisted as a soldier, saw action in heated skirmishes, was wounded, and during her seventeen months… https://revolutionarywarjournal.com/deborah-sampson-continental-soldier-in-the-american-revolution-disguised-as-a-man-she-fought-was-wounded-and-received-an-honorable-discharge/

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Frederick R Smith

Patriotic Act was one of them.

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McCarthy's fascist tendencies caused Americans to (officially) miss the great artistic works of Dashiell Hammett, Lillian Hellman, Dalton Trumbo, and Elia Kazan. Of course, these talented people found sympathetic friends who continued to publish their work during the years of oppression.

Although we are smothering in anti-Russian propaganda, it is worth noting that the CIA, following the aggressive and illegal orders of Victoria Nuland, staged a coup in Ukraine back in 2012. Since then, an election was held where most of eastern Ukraine wanted to be part of Russia. This is the area Putin is now defending. If the USA and NATO get heavy-handed in their attempts to force the New World Order on all of their enemies, they will be in for a rude surprise.

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Jun 15·edited Jun 15Author

Indeed! Salient points, thank you. In the essay I use "excesses" because of the misuse of the "F" word today (e.g., ANTIFA).

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Excellent parallel between then and now Frederick! Bravo. Will we survive the now is a good question.

Fun fact: The red and blue were once interchangeable for network election reporting purposes. The permanent flip came with Bush v Gore. I think the red/Communist association to close to the bone for Demorats so the switch was made permanently.


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Thank you and I was unaware of that blue / red swap!

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Jun 15Liked by Frederick R Smith

Yes, the parallel was too close and true, so the change had to be permanent.

This dislike between the Russian leadership and our Democrats is a recent thing, starting with Obama's 'flexibility' as expressed to Medvedev, it is all fake but the media acts like they are arch-enemies.

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