This passage was particularly intriguing 🧐:

"Thanks go to the Frankfurt School-trained propagators of the Comintern and Tavistock Institute-trained agitators."

I will bookmark your article to keep it as a reference 🤔


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"Everywhere you turn these days, pagans are afoot, busily hacking away at the Christian and Jewish foundations of American life and replacing them with a cosmology that would have been absolutely coherent to followers of, say, Voltumna, the Etruscan earth god, or to those who worshipped the Celt tribal protector Toutatis."


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Wow! Frederick pulled that book out of the moth balls! I remember when it was a big deal in the early 80's. There is considerable evidence that lots of this was coming out of intelligence orgs. Does anyone remember Elizabeth Clare Prophet and her whacked out New Age, doomsday cult, The Church Universal and Triumphant? They garnered more media attention than anything else having to do with the New Age back in the mid 80's to early 90's. Anyway I spent several hours digging into her, her late husband who was there at the foundation back in the 50's, and the Church itself. I looked at genealogy and apparent connections to military intelligence, Christian Science (a known intelligence op), Theosophy, etc. and got a pretty "spooky" feeling about all of it. Strange stories like Elizabeth being sent to Switzerland for her entire Junior year in HS to "study French". Her father allegedly being arrested in the 40's as a " Nazi spy". Some accounts say her family wasn't religious but another saying her mother was a disciple of Alice Bailey. The most suspicious thing was how it was claimed both these people were of modest means, middle class, but there always seemed to be millions of dollars rolling in to their orgs. They were, from the outset, very prominent in the movement all the way back in the 60's and, in of all places, Washington DC. They had acquired enough funding by the early 70's to move their entire organization into very pricey digs in Colorado Springs (a gov. intelligence hot spot) from DC. (the same) By the late 70's 10s of millions was being spent on pricey real estate all over California including Pacific Palisades and Beverly Hills. Later this was all chucked when the whole thing was moved to Montana where they acquired 24,000 acres from Malcolm Forbes bordering on Yellowstone! This is where they dug and outfitted millions of dollars worth of doomsday bunkers. Anyway, quite a saga and smacking of some kind of op for sure. His ancestry was Jewish and very Aristocratic ( ancestors that were "the envy of the Dutch Princes") but they lie about it on Wikipedia. "middle class". Right.

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Wow, it seems an interesting succession of dots! ✌️👍

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Mark Prophets entire early history after he served in WWII (they tell you nothing about that either) is scrubbed everywhere. You can't find out anything until he was founding the Summit Lighthouse with his new bride Elizabeth in 1958. That's a pretty big gap for such a foundational person in the entire New Age Movement. All a could find out in hours of digging is that he was somehow involved in Christian Science, lived in DC and one site alleged that this scion of a Dutch family which helped found New Amsterdam (now NY) and was "the envy of the Dutch Princes" was a traveling salesman........right..... There is big story in there somewhere but it may be buried forever. Google and others have given the internet a lobatomy. I couldn't find one website with an article critical of anything they ever did. Impossible!

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I just looked in my copy of "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow" and nothing. I will continue to look through my library. BTW, Constance Cumbey in that book says the symbol on the book cover of The Aquarian Conspiracy resembles 666...

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Yeah, that's about right. There are light posts all around Buckingham Palace and Parliament that have both a not very well hidden 666 and a clear as day Vesica Pisces which is claimed stands for "city council".........

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Incredible information! I do vaguely remember Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and you sure have some eye-opening insight.

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It is claimed that she had a 6th child by her 5th husband when she was 55. Hmmm.... Right after that it was claimed she had Alzheimer's in 97'. This was right on time to avoid having to testify or give any evidence in civil suites being filed by disgruntled cult members regarding financial malfeasance and apparently copious abuse. Really great article by the way. I have been following and being entertained by the shear Kitzchiness of the "New Age" since the early 80's. I still think it's all very evil and actually dangerous though.

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It is my understanding that the Lucis Trust was originally just called Lucifer Publishing and was later glazed over to be less obvious.(It isn't) It is interesting to note that the meditation room at the UN is done up in the Rothschilds signature yellow and blue color scheme. Just like the Ukrainian flag and every other thing they can think of to use it on. They often even pose for pictures in front of backdrops done up in it. Not sure what it signifies. Once you know about it you start seeing it everywhere. Again, really great article. I'm new here and already very impressed with your blog!

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I am honored and humbled by your comments.

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Excellent background on how we ended up where we are. Thank you Frederick.

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You are welcome my friend

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This is why we get this Doctor 'pulls baby's head off during childbirth while father watches' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12059171/Doctor-pulls-babys-head-childbirth-horrified-father-watches.htm

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James Lindsey does a podcast called New Discourses. He recently has been explaining these same ideas. Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, occultism, Theosophy. He sees it in the woke movement, elites, current political movements. His goal is to inform and defeat. It’s interesting how prevalent this topic is becoming. Are we clearly seeing the struggle between good and evil we previously thought of as only a metaphor and not a real existential threat?

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Excellent feedback and how it links to today. Thank you.

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Spirituality, individual consciousness, sounds like a good way to make it up as you go. Explains today since this thinking paired up well with Darwinism and Marxism. New values, new morals, new possibilities, new goals. No limitations.

Glad to join here as a new subscriber.

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Out of curiosity I was reading one of Blavatsky's books, it might have been the Secret Doctrine, and at the time I thought it was an interesting collection of ideas from around the world. Then I got to the Lucifer part and thought "what the actual hell am I reading?!" Then I remembered that one passage.

"For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their actions." - 2 Corinthians 11:13–15

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Perhaps an essay about Blavatsky is in order?

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She's worth discussing. There's something very bizarre about that woman. Manly P. Hall is another one.

I forget what I was reading, but I vaguely remember her work inspired the Thule Society and influenced some "ruling elite" types. I can't remember what it was about her work that drew them in, but I think it's a very interesting topic in contrast with what is happening now.

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Alice Bailey would be another.

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Interesting book review and equally interesting detours of thought along the way.

I've known several "new agers" over the years and few if any have been exceptionally happy, healthy or prosperous.

I am often reminded of the eastern philosophy of the yinyang, masculine/feminine, good/evil divide when talking with or about those who embrace the "technology" of crystals, incense and hallucinogens.

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Thanks for the interesting comments.

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It’s damaged many people and families.

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