
As additional info -- “Militia”: Defined by Law https://constitutionalmilitia.org/militia-defined-by-law/

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What is the difference the in the LTBQ crowd, picking on 1 baker who owns his business and can set the rules based on his beliefs, while there are plenty of other cake bakers around him that will.

We have signs up, NO SHIRT, NO SHOES, NO SERVICE for health reasons, ARE WE TO ALLOW NUDIST IN THOSE Businesses? THE MOST OFFENSIVE SIGN TO ME IS NO GUNS ALLOWED, SOME SMALL EXCEPTIONS ARE OK, like Military bases, and courthouses. I should be able to carry when I have to go into crime-riddled BLUE SOFT ON CRIME, Memphis when I have to go to the Specialist doctor, it is a crime hot spot no matter where you go in the BLUE city, spreading into the county. I have the proper training, and a permit, in a now Permitless state.


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"In Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel, Frankenstein, a young scientist, Dr. Victor Frankenstein, discovers a method by which he can resurrect life from the dead and creates his own monster. As we all know, the monster becomes uncontrollable and ultimately turns upon its creator. Dr. Frankenstein’s motivation is never made explicit by the author, but he appears to do it because he can". Seems similar to voters having created a federal monster, and the monster turning on the voters! https://www.yahoo.com/news/why-scotus-could-unleash-frankenstein-011017263.html

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 6, 2022Liked by Frederick R Smith

Colorado Pursues Red Flag Laws Threatening the Second Amendment


" after the 300 day registration period has ended, any Illinois resident caught with an unregistered “assault weapon,” even one they’ve legally owned for years, will be committing a felony offense subject to prison time and massive fines. "


TENNESSEE is a Permitless state as long as you obey the Permit laws, you don't need a permit to carry, 2 soon to be 4 BLUE COUNTIES WANT TO DISENFRINGE THESE LEGAL CARRIERS, THEY ARE SOFT ON CRIME, MEMPHIS #1. SLEW OF CHILD SHOOTINGS. FRED it's time for one of your history lessons on gun control and how it started.

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Richmond Restaurant Denies Pro-Family Group Dinner Servicehttps://thefederalist.com/2022/12/05/richmond-restaurant-denies-pro-life-pro-family-group-dinner-service-over-christian-values/

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Dec 3, 2022·edited Dec 3, 2022Liked by Frederick R Smith

Well said. I too agree that troops would not fire on Americans. HOWEVER, Barry Soetoro, (his LEGAL name), fired 197 officers when in office and this military under Austin is working hard to change to get troops who would be willing.

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Excellent description of where we find ourselves these days. But you'll have to subtract the soft, spoiled American leftists from the number that would fight back...

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Frederick R Smith

These days 2A seems more important than ever, in my mind it is more duty than right. When we have our own government calling for defunding police, and our president calling conservatives “domestic terrorist”, I’m inclined to believe them when they say they think I’m the enemy. Not so much I believe I’m the enemy, as I believe they believe I’m the enemy.

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Great post!

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