Still, this is a great article. But what do I do with it when the audience "seems" to have shrunk? Nevertheless, I thank the author for shining light on it again and look forward to more dialogue.

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Quite appreciated! It is wonderful to get constructive comments like yours!

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Jun 3Liked by Frederick R Smith

This was a hot topi during and just before Obama somehow got into the White House. Yet it make no difference in the outcome. So hegelian dynamics doesn't seem to carry the weight it used to. It's a New World that requires New Warfare to stop this slow creep of political dystonia.

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Biden Moves to Take Federal Control of All National Guard Units

With every day that passes, it looks increasingly likely that Donald Trump is going to win the 2024 election in a smashing landslide. The lawfare cases against him are falling apart. They can’t jail him, so they’ll have to beat Donald Trump in an election. Unless, of course, wannabe dictator Joe Biden invokes the nightmare scenario and tries to prevent us from having an election at all.

It looks like this is exactly what Biden is trying to do. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is calling on Congress to place the National Guard units of all 50 states and all US territories under the authority of the Space Force. This would upend the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 and give Joe Biden control of a domestic military force to clamp down on the American people and usher in a dictatorship with Democrats permanently in charge.

For this to happen, Congress would have to amend Title 32 and Title 10 of the U.S. Code. The amendments that the Biden regime is requesting would require Governors to allow changes to National Guard units.


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Most Guardsmen will retrain or retire rather than join Space Force

“Harvesting of National Guard resources to the regular components is a solution looking for a problem,” said Col. Michael Griesbaum.


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Liberty Dies Without Constraints On Government

Justin O. Smith

As I watch Biden and his people in action, moving to break every law they can in pursuit of their illiberal, anti-liberty, anti-American agenda, once more I am stunned by the relative, comparable inaction from the ranks of all who profess to be patriots and defenders of said liberty and the rights of their countrymen. As is so often remarked by many pundits, “Our Founders would already be shooting by now”.

What a disgrace we have in the ranks of today’s Republican Party, as they are a massive part of the problem, too often “going along to get along” and compromising away one more piece of liberty after the next. How any of the statist, globalist Republicans-In-Name-Only still call themselves “American” with a straight face is beyond me.

As for the Democrats, one rarely, if ever, hears any of them with enough gall to proclaim they “love America”, although every once in a great while, one actually does, whenever it’s politically expedient and they’re grasping at votes.

In my 2020 article, ‘End of the Line: The Real Storm Approaches‘, I write:

“The few or the many American patriots and our country’s conservative liberty loving Americans have run out of time. We don’t have the time to make the necessary corrections and changes in our institutions and society, through information and delivering the truth to the youth, before an authoritarian socialist regime advances tyranny across America. We are already witnessing the abandonment of the rule of law and tyranny in states controlled by Democratic governors.

If we wait too much longer before we take an active part in defending America, we will find ourselves being sent to re-education camps and the new America gulags.”

Nothing has changed in the nearly four years, since I wrote these words, and if anything, the need to act in a proactive self-defense of ourselves, our families and our country has grown all the more urgent, in my estimation, especially given the fact that so much still remains broken all across the voting process and the current rules governing the Electoral College and the illegal extension of Election Day, a sure fired accelerant for Voter Fraud, every bit as much as mail-in ballots.

The American wait and hope and pray to their own detriment and demise, and in that light, we cannot afford to tarry any longer. ~ J.O.S.


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GREAT POST!!! Learned a lot... thank you!

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My pleasure.

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Philosophy is for fun and profit Frederick, but an excellent essay nonetheless. - as are most Western illusions. The average Joe only needs bread and circuses to be controlled while the elite can do what they like. This discipline, inherited from the ancient Greek brainboxes didn't save Rome, and it won't save Western Civ either. (quote - lightly edited). The final stages of The Fourth Turning are upon us.


"Note that, although Hegel acknowledged that his dialectical method was part of a philosophical tradition stretching back to Plato, he criticized Plato’s version of dialectics. He argued that Plato’s dialectics deals only with limited philosophical claims and can't get beyond skepticism or nothingness (SL-M 55–6; SL-dG 34–5; PR, Remark to §31). According to the logic of a traditional reductio ad absurdum argument, if the premises of an argument lead to a contradiction, we must conclude that the premises are false—which leaves us with no premises or with nothing. We must then wait around for new premises to spring up arbitrarily from somewhere else, and then see whether those new premises put us back into nothingness or emptiness once again, if they, too, lead to a contradiction. Because Hegel believed that reason necessarily generates contradictions, as we will see, he thought new premises would produce further contradictions, as he puts the argument."


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Jun 3Liked by Frederick R Smith

All that - to some degree. The problem is that the hegelian footprint is disappearing, for all intents and purposes.

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Quite so Marlene & others - perhaps another philosophy will be resurrected - there's nothing new under the sun.

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Thank you for the insightful comment!

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Actually, Hegel was pretty much ignored. The whole idea that Hegelian thinking "reverberated" outside of a few intellectual elites seems suspect. I think more the very opposite. It was just an intellectual trend. This would have had a very limited scope, and the notion that Hegel's ideas "reverberated" is just nonsense.\

" His pioneering concept of dialectical thinking reverberates... "

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May 12·edited May 12Author

While I appreciate your perspective, I respectfully disagree with your assertion that Hegel's influence was limited to a small intellectual circle and that his ideas were merely a passing trend. While it's true that Hegelian philosophy may not have garnered widespread acceptance during his lifetime, its impact on subsequent philosophical thought cannot be discounted.

Hegel's pioneering concept of dialectical thinking, which emphasizes the dynamic interplay of opposing forces leading to synthesis, has had a profound and lasting impact on numerous fields beyond philosophy. From sociology to political theory, psychology to art, Hegel's ideas have been influential in shaping diverse areas of human inquiry.

Moreover, many prominent thinkers, including Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Søren Kierkegaard, were deeply influenced by Hegelian philosophy and further developed his ideas in their own work. This indicates that Hegel's influence extended far beyond a niche group of intellectuals and had a significant impact on subsequent generations of scholars and thinkers.

While it's understandable to have reservations about the extent of Hegel's influence, dismissing his ideas as mere intellectual trends overlooks the enduring legacy and relevance of his philosophical contributions.


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Okay, well I suppose it is somewhere in-between the two. I happen to like Hegel, but I had some suspicions that you were just building it up for your article. Sure, Hegel was influential, amongst philosophers. To me, you just were not capturing the significance of it, so I did not mean to say Hegel had no importance. I still do not like the way you presented this material. There is a disconnect with the readings I myself did, back in the eighties and nineties.

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BTW.. This was a refreshing debate were the two parties engaged in a civil discourse. Thank you.

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Your icon is that of a "quick draw artist"!!!

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May 13·edited May 13Author

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my essay. I appreciate your perspective and your honesty about your reservations regarding the presentation of Hegel's significance. It sounds like you have a deep personal connection to Hegel's work, which is completely valid and understandable. While I aimed to highlight Hegel's influence, it seems there was a disconnect in conveying his importance in a way that resonated with your own readings and understanding from past decades.

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May 12Liked by Frederick R Smith

Reaching new heights in providing understanding of a complex issue.

One must have nerves of steel to indulge in the governmental process, or be obsessed with power.

Thanks Frederick for another enlightening glimpse into history.

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Kathleen, it is a joy to hear from you, and it gives me pleasure knowing I can help.

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Thank you for this fantastic article. Very valuable information!

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My pleasure and thank you Bianca.

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The Hegelian Dialectic: that's a phrase I've always heard and never understood. Of course, we all know that every revolution sews the seeds of the counter-revolution and the yin/yang never stops. I appreciate your putting the link to CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND in this.

Just as NATO destroyed Yugoslavia and Libya in their practice drills, the CIA took over Ukraine in 2012 and, followed closely by NATO and EU and UN troops, the USSA wants to conquer the world before November.

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Yes Charles, but with a foreign policy adopted in 1997, "Full Spectrum Dominance", the USA could do no other than that which they have done, and are doing in accordance with the madates of the Banksters. If you can't beat them, take note of Sun Tzu and move. Only 9% of the global population inhabit the Southern Hemisphere - it's most;y water! Thus my sailing has given me an option: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/easy-living-in-south-africa-icj-ruling?sd=pf

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"Full Spectrum Dominance" (as defined in 1997) most likely did not consider biological warfare or EMF attacks. My guess is that in that long-past century, our multiple "intelligence" agencies did not imagine the aircraft killing weapons that China has or the hypersonic delivery systems that both China and Russia apparently have.

I loved reading the link about your success, your yacht, and life south of the Equator. As one who questions the validity of time, space, and three-dimensional reality, it appears you have transcended the veil of tears and you are currently living in Heaven. I am happy for you..

Amerika's foreign policy was established in all likelihood long before the CIA assassinated JFK.

We are inexorably rolling down the assembly line to war. For the first time, many of us look at the destruction of Yugoslavia, the ruin of Libya, and the murders of Kaddafi, Saddam, and Epstein, and we wonder what side are we on?

Is the Biden Crime Syndicate strong enough (with the support of the UN, NATO, and the EU) to destroy the BRICS and dominate the planet? Time will tell.

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Thanks for the insightful comment Charles.

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