Reading Railroad steam locomotive No. 2102 | 4-8-4 wheel arrangement

What’s the hubbub?

Fred is a common man in an uncommon world during a goofy era. Interests include USA's founding history, the Constitution, Traditional Catholicism, rail transportation, political science, intrigue, biography, current events, philosophy, and good old common sense.

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Frederick R. Smith makes no claims about conducting “lab research” on any topic. Cogent readers can see what text forms facts or opinions. In addition, unlike the crummy in-your-face “experts,” Fred makes no claim about “expertise,” but practical analysis forms the basis of this blog. The author does not claim to stand for the opinions of the owners of this blog’s domain.

Subscribe to Frederick R. Smith Speaks

The Frederick R. Smith blog is the ramblings of an uncommon man in a post-modern world. As a master of few topics, your author desires to give readers a sense of the thoughts of a senior citizen who lived most of his life before the new normal.


A common man in an uncommon world with a passion to share his research and analysis with friends and otherwise.