Sodom & Gomorra Plus, Part 3 - Unseemly Influencers
The pushers of this poison are the real disinformation kings. They do not want you to know the facts.
If the government can’t force students to salute a flag, the government can’t force a healthcare worker to utter a particular pronoun. In America, the government can’t make people say things—not even for the sake of politeness. Not for any reason at all.
Abigail Shrier - Irreversible Damage
Part 3 - Unseemly Influencers
Collectivists have pushed heterosexual sex education for children since the 1910s. Georg Lukács (1885-1971) was a Hungarian Marxist who served as deputy commissar of education in 1919 during the Hungarian Soviet Republic. He introduced sex education to children at the elementary level. Lukács implemented early heterosexual sex education has he knew society would reject telling children:
To have multiple sexual partners
They might have been born in the wrong body, and if they mutilate their genitals, so they can be a new gender
Go out and experiment with “alternate lifestyles”
In the 1960s, the debauchery machine convinced adults that sex should be free and easy. Next, they convinced older teens, then younger teens, and teens. Now it is more youthful kids and preschoolers.
In the early 1970s, as a junior in high school, my biology class instruction included an overview of the human reproductive organs. It was the unity of a man and woman to procreate God’s love. Nothing more, nothing less. Today, unseemly influencers ignore real-world data and biology. Specifically, children cannot handle sex acts without severe physical damage. The psychological injuries are lasting and real.
The associated decoupling of procreation from the sex act spurned the rise of abortion (choice) and strange behavior. As one post-modern example, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, a terrible school sandal occurred at the turn of the century. Tufts University sponsored a seminar by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). Conducted on March 25, 2000, GLSEN did their thing with a “Teach-Out.” Children as young as 12 and teens attended. They came from around the state, and many arrived by bus transportation from their school districts.
During this “conference,” the presenters discussed many types of unnatural sex acts. As expected, the legacy media said nothing about this terrible scandal. Only alternative online sources such as Mass Resistance reported it.1 To read more about it, click here, but caution; the site contains explicit material. In particular, it details the sexual act “brachioproctic insertion” (fisting) that is simply dangerous regardless of the “persuasion.” In concert with the narrative, reporting about this triggers the unseemly influencer’s Pavlovian call: “LGBTQ+ phobia.” People then cower and fear discussing the background depravity regardless of the strange sex/gender combinations.
According to reports, unseemly influencers distributed disgusting information at the conference—an information table run by Sidney Borum Jr. Health Center included handouts. A “pocket sex kit” (two condoms, two moist antiseptic towelettes, and six bandages) was one of the items provided to the children. The kits are for “when the sex got rough.”
A concerned parent recorded sessions. They took notes, and Mass Resistance published the information. The collectivists proclaim that GLSEN looks out for the safety of the LBGTQ community, and the Massachusetts story is a fiction concocted by the “Religious Wrong.” If it is fiction, then all one needs to do is perform a web or YouTube search of “fisting,” and a plethora of information displays detailing how to accomplish this “sex” act. It is curious how the people who promote dangerous activities can hide under the “safety” characterization.
Now back to the future. The post-modern sexualization of children occurs in the medical industry too. As shown in Part 2 of this essay, medical, pharmaceutical, government, and corporatocracy cartels promote the castration of children. They also collaborate with “health” departments to block the dispensing of Ivermectin and expect trust from the dwindling number of people who can think clearly.
Unseemly influencing also rages on within the social worker system. Of course, like Disney, woke big businesses engage in strange behavior akin to mental masturbation, pushing this madness. In his glennTV segment “Project Groomer,” Glenn Beck mentioned Comprehensive Sexuality Education. Many schools use this crapola, and it is a K-12 program covering:
Human development
Personal skills
Sexual behavior
Sexual health
Society and culture
We cannot have sex education that focuses on abstinence. According to the alphabet mafia, it’s LBGTQ+ phobic at best and Puritanical at worst. Meanwhile, Biden Doubles Down on Radical “Gender-Affirming Care” for Kids. What is going on behind the curtain with all this nonsense? Since I do not have the gastronomic fortitude to review this material, please see Glen Beck’s video below.
The pushers of this poison are the real disinformation kings. They do not want you to know the facts. But we face the potential of hate crime charges for exposing their underlying dangerous and immoral dogma.
Recently, the Maine Department of Education, using federal funding, released a video titled “LGBT+ Activism.” The target audience for the video is kindergarten children. From the transcript of the video:
A transgender person is someone who the doctors made a mistake about when they were born. When a baby is born, the doctors will tell the parents what gender they think that baby is. They’ll say we think your child is a female or we think your child is a male. But some people, when they get a little bit older, realize what the doctor said was not right. They might say that the doctors told me I was a man but I’m really a woman or they might say the doctors told me I’m a woman but I’m really a man. And so, when they grow up and they can tell people that the doctors made a mistake about their gender, then they can transition to be the gender that they actually are. …there are actually a lot of other people who love in ways that society hasn’t always allowed.
And there is this. The Arizona Department of Education’s website for “LGBTQ+” minors links to live chat rooms where they can talk about sex and gender in the presence of adult moderators. Gender Spectrum, which operates one of the chat rooms, supplies K-12 schools and teachers’ organizations with progressive sexual content, including materials about “affirming” children as “trans.”
On June 7, 2022, California Democratic State Senator Scott Wiener publicly floated the idea of adding “Drag Queen 101” as part of the K-12 curriculum in public schools. “Attending Drag Queen Story Time will satisfy the requirement,” he suggested. Wiener, in the past, pushed to soften sex offender sentences for sodomy with a minor and advocated for the repeal of a law against deliberately infecting a sexual partner with HIV/AIDS.
The above is just a tiny sampling of indoctrination under the guise of education. So it is acceptable to discuss “alternative lifestyles,” but hinting at normal sexual relations generates hate speech charges. And we pay taxes to feed this nonsense to the children. Five-year-olds are subject to more nonsense like “men menstruate.” It is high time to eighty-six this utterly satanic re-engineering program to birth a trans-human society. Start here: Put Fed-Ed to Bed Forever.
Meanwhile, clear-thinking parents who attend school board meetings to read and expose the disgusting sex training material get shut down. The board will claim the information is “too explicit.” George Orwell could not have made this up. And it does not end there. The dopey masses sit back and watch Tell-you-Vision programming tout the wonders of tucked and docked men competing in women’s sports. Who would even imagine we would have mass bathroom confusion as a society?
On June 15, 2022, President Joe Biden signed a sweeping executive order to advance the LGBTQ+ movement’s goals. The order directs the Department of Health and Human Services to instruct all healthcare providers receiving federal funding on treating transgender patients. The Department of Education will similarly impose pro-trans directives on schools throughout the country. In addition, the order forbids so-called “conversion therapy,” a catch-all term for medical and educational advice that does not “affirm” transgenderism or homosexuality. In other words, by government decree, heterosexuality must go to the back of the bus.
It gets worse. A video has surfaced of children dancing on stage along with drag queens while adult audience members threw money at them during an event in May 2022 called DragCon 2022. According to the DragCon website, mainstream corporations like JoAnn’s craft store, the streaming platform Paramount+, and taxpayer-funded organizations like the Los Angeles Public Library sponsored the event. Additional reports reveal children in gay bars for drag queen events and parents accompanying their youngsters should face child endangerment charges.
Mr. Misster, a gay bar in Dallas, TX, drew protests on Saturday, June 4, 2022, when it put on an event called “Drag the Kids to Pride,” a drag show aimed explicitly at children. Promotions for the event explicitly called for minors to participate by dancing on stage at an adult beverage bar. Adult drag queens danced on stage during the afternoon show and took dollar bills from kids. “It’s not gonna lick itself!” read a neon sign in the center of the room. That is truly sickening.
After the event, the bar made a statement accusing protesters of being “transphobic.” Free speech for the unseemly influencers but none for the others. Local police told the media they did not intervene and just conducted “crowd control” amid the outside protests. But, of course, these cowardly sexual predators are “threatened” by those who speak out against this absurdity. With heterophobic tendencies, the influencers have the machine on their side and even get police protection. Meanwhile, homeschooling parents face stiffer opposition. But there is more.
Officials in New York regularly award taxpayer-funded drag-queen contracts and grants for public school “performances,” often without parental notification or consent. The group “Drag Story Hour NYC” got $46,000 in May 2022 alone in exchange for appearing at several events, including libraries and schools where their audience members were as young as three years old. Drag Story Hour NYC has received $207,000 in taxpayer money since 2018.
Pizza Hut joints the woke fast-food industry by promoting a book about “drag kids” in its reading incentive program aimed at pre-kindergarten through 3rd-grade children. The book “Big Wig” is a picture book for very young children and “celebrates drag kids,” according to the publisher’s website. A Pizza Hut email explained that the corporation’s reading program is promoting the book in honor of “Pride Month.” Sister company Taco Bell also leads the way with fancy “fast food.”
Of note Yum! Brands, Inc. is an American fast-food giant corporation listed on the Fortune 1000. Yum! owns the brands KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, The Habit Burger Grill, and WingStreet. Also, the Free Library of Philadelphia gets the progressive prize with Drag Queen reading to toddlers. Philly is just a tiny sampling. Remember, Drag is dangerous. And, at the bottom of the pit, how about a taxpayer-funded pride event hosted by a satanist incest pornographer?
The foot soldiers of the unseemly influencer movement are aggressive toward innocent people to push an agenda beyond gay marriage. That is the “right” to sexualize children. “Pride” events have sights that may be new to kids, like public nudity and kink. An associate professor at the University of Minnesota said her children have come to “expect nudity and other surprises” as she takes them to LGBTQ+ events regularly. Unseemly influencer parents openly tout the need to “prep” their children for parades to see open debauchery. All this is something to be expressed as “pride?” Furthermore, as shown in Part 2, the unseemly influencer dogma includes pushing hormone replacement therapy and gender reassignment surgery on minors.
The collectivists long ago adopted intimidation, fear, harassment, and violence as their guiding principles of “social justice.” Tactics include attacking pro-life pregnancy centers with graffiti and vandalism, intimidating and doxing Supreme Court Justices, burning cities, and attacking civilians with lethal weapons. From the L.A. Riots to Berkeley, Floyd to Roe v Wade, and BLM to “Pride,” the collectivists have always found a way to incorporate these tactics of fear and violence. All with the tacit approval of woke big businesses, media, “Justice,” medical, and the Military. To add insult to injury, our “government” is more concerned about “right-wing domestic terrorism.” To guard against violence from all sides would be in the best interest of all. Nevertheless, the kettle calls the pot black, and a big crack-resistant mirror all around D.C. is in order.
Unseemly influencing has not only reached the highest levels of government, the Military, and woke big business but mainstream established religion. For example, the counterfeit leaders infesting the Catholic Church hierarchy show us the professional sexualizing way with their synod lunacy:
The next installment, Part 4 - Abortion Cult, will review the divisive issue of abortion.
Cogent author and publisher, Frederick R. Smith
Wikipedia: “MassResistance is a hate group which promotes anti-LGBT and socially conservative positions. The group is designated an anti-LGBT hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.” That is standard collectivist fare: call Mass Resistance a hate group to make the disgusting background disappear.
Former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, who recently left her party, warned Michiganders to reject Proposal 3 on Election Day 11/8/22). The controversial abortion bill overturns a law requiring abortion facilities “to be licensed and inspected for the health and safety of women,” allows for “infanticide,” and “also overturns a law that requires parents to know if their child is pursuing an abortion or gender hormone therapies,” Gabbard said.
Child psychiatrist Patrick Goodman was named in an explosive lawsuit brought against the state of Arizona by the parents of a 10-year-old “transgender” child in 2020. Goodman is the husband of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs. Republican Kari Lake, Hobbs' opponent, has spoken out against “woke” teachers pushing gender ideology on children.