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Sodom & Gomorra Plus, Part 5 - Conclusion
Sex acts are longer a personal matter. Sexuality is now a tool to transition people into accepting machine-like copulation. That reduces conception and the population.
Transhumanism and the rise of cyborgs will increasingly move humanity from a profound and direct experience with the Divine. Science and academic research are very important for humanity’s growth and evolution as human beings on this planet. The danger lies in the overly sentimental and simple-minded concepts of religion and spirituality that are popular themes in today’s spiritual books. True spirituality is something that is as complex, and at the same time subtle, as the most advanced study of particle physics. A person must devote many years of study, meditation, prayer, and other spiritual disciplines, in order to properly develop himself or herself spiritually. Humanity, at this time, must let go of the illusion that true spirituality consists of a kind of emotional “high,” or on the other hand, that true spirituality consists of a kind of militaristic, fanatically disciplinarian obedience to a vast list of rules and regulations.
Laurence Galian, Alien Parasites
Part 5 - Conclusion
Part 1 - Introduction reviewed how virtually every element of society, including many organized “religions,” prescribe to the tenants of values clarification and the philosophy of secular humanism. Schools convince children that the morality of the Ten Commandments is old-fashioned and based on superstition and mythology.
Under natural law and civilized society, the conjugal act is a private matter between a man and a woman united in matrimony. However, sexual activity is no longer a personal matter.
With ever-increasing control, the global elitists give society a “reward” for being good robots of the collective. The reward is with us in the form of a sexual license. It is an anti-God activity devoid of the natural sex act for procreation. With contraception, abortifacients, abortion, and transsexualism, the sex act is nothing more than a feeling and absent love.
Conclusion: sex decoupled from procreation and hatred of the traditional family unit reduces conception and the population.
Part 2 - Medical Mutilation Madness - reviewed the pseudo-science of “transgenderism” as a form of mass psychosis.
The plan, hidden in plain sight, is a coordinated effort by most of our institutions to physically and mentally sexualize children. While it is nothing new, this sick and perverted infection is now invading society’s psyche exponentially.
To intentionally expose children to the perversions covered in this essay is abuse by proxy. It is mental manipulation whereby a regime coerces youngsters. We can now see a transition from the natural binary into a fake science-based reproduction and control system. This herculean and nefarious effort is not limited to just schools. Here is an example of the mainstream endorsing a trans-Barbie doll.
Conclusion: medical body manipulation madness reduces conception and the population.
Part 3 - Unseemly Influencers - shows how youngsters are vulnerable and easily slip into a lifestyle, with some facing aggressive influences to undergo puberty-blocking “medicines.” The resulting psychological modification can lead to irreversible medical surgery. The victim might decide later in life it was a mistake. The mad machine forbids therapy to help avoid “bottom surgery.” Thus, in the hyper-warped mind of dopey Borg Collective, heterosexual acts hurt Mother Gaia.
It is so twisted that any hint of good things like abstinence and a traditional family with a biological male father and natural female mother face the Pavlovian phobia bark of the heterophobic folk. The video Thre are only 2 Genders Change my Mind provides insight into how the collective forms the notion that the “binary” is a flawed western construct. Specifically, the population of the USA (and elsewhere) gets programmed with outright propaganda of race bating, Judeo-Christophobia, and sexism setting the stage to destroy our dwindling core values. Thus, the collectivist machine-like cult flourishes. This unseemly program can only be considered a blatant form of child abuse. Drag is dangerous.
The unseemly influencers program children into their twisted worldview, and the mad machine gives tacit approval. Stop and desist the medical transitioning and leave the children alone. Let them make their own choice as an adult. Bill Maher succinctly summarizes the unseemly influencers. He reviews a serious topic, but the audience laughs uncontrollably. While Bill is not my cup of tea, he hits his liberal audience with undeniable facts.
Our friends across the pond give us additional conclusions about nefarious influencer “justice.” A biological male British pedophile who identifies as a transgender woman has avoided punishment after the judge overseeing his case ruled that sending him to prison would make it too difficult to “cope” with the “anxiety” surrounding his transgenderism. So, J6 defendants in solidarity confinement have their humanity erased.
Judd Garrett illustrates the hypocrisy of the “pride” movement with this snippet from his is June 8, 2022, post “The Greatest Sin of All:”
But if “pride” was really about “inclusion” then the Pride Movement would be welcoming people who have all beliefs about all lifestyles. But ‘pride’ is not about inclusion, it is about ramming their beliefs and lifestyles down everyone else’s throat, and if anyone disagrees, then they will be labeled “bigoted,” and then canceled and excluded. If you expect everyone to accept your lifestyle, you must be willing to accept other people’s beliefs that are different from yours. But the so-called ‘inclusive’ only want it one way, theirs.
Let us not forget the precedent that children are not obligated to stand for the pledge of allegiance in schools. Why is this sexual thing different? Could students wear a heterosexual recognition pin? If not, why not?
Conclusion: nefarious influencing reduces conception and the population.
Part 4 - Abortion Cult - is the bold demonic desire of humans to believe they have become their own “god.” The new gods that attempt to alter creation have overtaken the wonder of the interconnections of life linked to Divine Creation. In other words, “they decide” when and if the spark of life (conception) gets a soul.
Those who terminate the unborn do have another choice - contraception. The Pavilion rant that “pills” are next up for elimination is a non-sequitur. That is because of the Malthusian elitists’ desire to reduce the population. Regardless, it is an imponderable why there is such a desire for abortion when the anti-life pill and other anti-life contraception methods abound. Besides, abortion is more expensive than the pill; thus, it is a Money Circus.
We live in a society that fights to stop the death penalty and enshrines abortions until birth. And it gets worse as a California bill contains language restricting the investigation and reporting of select infant deaths. It could effectively legalize infanticide. To illustrate the illogical thought process of the Culture of Death, the killing of a pregnant mother can lead to dual murder charges (death of the mother and her unborn child). Meanwhile, the next-door neighbor can terminate her unborn baby at will. The select unborn go to the back of the bus.
The above shows we live in a society that pokes its finger into the eye of God. This anti-life philosophy of abortion is a delight for the Malthusians’ palate of population reduction. For example, this disgusting fusion by Yahoo “News” on May 21, 2022, is an example of the fusion of two images that shape and transition the psyche of the individual into the collective Culture of Death:
Not to be outdone, desperate radicals depict the Pro-Life movement as a gang of racists.
Conclusion: the culture of death reduces the population.
Final Reflection
Many good people yield to peer pressure and cheer depravity, such as Medical Mutilation Madness, Unseemly Influencers, Abortion Cult, and more. Thus we live in a culture where flaunting sin is common and opposing sin is considered hate. Society calls good what God calls evil. See Romans 1:18-32. That is the basis of the programmed denial of natural humanity. The glory of a man and woman united in matrimony to build a large family gets society’s scorn. The people who tout the diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE) mantra will sneer at large families in the grocery store. It is a sad reflection of where society has fallen. This DIE narrative is a heterophobic construct. Deniers of natural heterosexual sex, birth, and binary gender have a soapbox monopoly, willingly and unwittingly spewing the “benefits” of a population-reducing program.
The items presented in this essay, plus others, kill our nation. Immigration, environment, green energy, foreign policy, healthcare, etc., swallows up massive money we don’t have. No politician can fix it, and it will crash. Don’t get ready, be ready.
For those who think I am “out there” related to the population reduction motivation, consider the Scottsdale Arizona school district. The Unitown Club program used in Arizona’s Scottsdale Unified School District asked high school students several bizarre questions about their sexuality. Influencers asked students how they knew they were straight, what “caused” their heterosexuality, and whether they had considered their heterosexuality might be only a phase. The program also asked: “Considering the menace of overpopulation, how could the human race survive if everyone were heterosexual?”And get ready; you are next: the Census Bureau seeks funds to research potential questions on sexuality and gender.
Faithful Catholics; be ready for even high forms of harassment. A nearly naked woman disrupted Mass at St. Veronica Parish in Eastpointe, Michigan, by standing on a pew and shouting “Overturn Roe? Hell, no!” and “Abortion without apology!” Two other protesters chanted along with her. Parishioners escorted the women out of the church. But not to fear, Fr. James Martin will take care of this issue.
The people pushing the items detailed in this essay (Reincarnated Illuminati) and their puppets (Ignoratti) behave just like cult leaders and members. Bottom line: the anti-God and people hating population reduction cult described in this five-part essay is the foundation of the coming transhuman era.
Lest we forget, climate change must have some bearing on all this lunacy. 😉
Sodom & Gomorra Plus Sources
The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity - Douglas Murray, Bloomsbury Continuum, September 2019
Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters - Abigail Shrier, Regnery Publishing, June 2020
Sex Scandal: The Drive to Abolish Male and Female - Ashley McGuire, Regnery Publishing, February 2017
Architects of the Culture of Death - Donald Demarco and Benjamin D. Wiker, Ignatius Press, October 2004
Hostage to the Devil: The Possession and Exorcism of Five Contemporary Americans - Malachi Martin, Harper One, June 2013
Rite of Sodomy - five volumes, Randy Engle, Engle Publishing, 2011
Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage - Paul Kengor, WND Books, May 2015
Online Sources Portland Children’s Hospital Instructs Kids To Bind Their Genitals And Solicit Sex Shop The Loop
MassRESISTANCE: Fistgate
Additional Recommended Reading
The Dictatorship of Woke Capital: How Political Correctness Captured Big Business - Stephen R. Soukup, Encounter Books, April 20, 2021
Propaganda - Edward Bernays, Ig Publishing, September 2004 (original 1928)
Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds - Michael Knowles, Regnery Publishing, June 2021
The Marketing of Evil: How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised As Freedom - David Kupelian, WND Books, August 2005
Online Resources
I Must Have Been Asleep During the Start of the Transexual Debacle - Robert Yoho MD (Ret)
Biden’s 2023 Baby Busting Budget - Frederick R. Smith
Madness Made to Order - Frederick R. Smith
The Outcast - Frederick R. Smith
Memes & Mentally-Physically Mutilated Masses - Frederick R. Smith
Nude Jersey Shore - Frederick R. Smith
Recovering The Divine’ Blueprint’ For Gender And Sexuality In An Age Of ‘Woke’ - Jay Wegter
Sex, Gender, and the Origin of the Culture Wars: An Intellectual History - The Heritage Foundation
Keep children out of Pride Month - Washington Examiner
Cogent author and publisher, Frederick R. Smith
Boy Scouts marching at Seattle Pride Parade.
A man twerks for children at a “family-friendly” pride event in Minnesota