Alt Left Association
The American Library Association aka Alt Left Association supports community engagement and social justice (collectivism) as part of its commitment to D.I.E.
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”
C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology (Making of Modern Theology)
The American Library Association, or more appropriately Alt-Left Association (ALA), is a “professional” organization for librarians and library workers in the United States. The ALA claims it is firmly committed to protecting library patrons’ privacy and free speech rights, including access to information and materials, regardless of content. That includes, in some cases, access to materials that may be considered offensive or controversial, such as pornography. According to the ALA website:
The American Library Association (ALA) is the oldest and largest library association in the world. Founded on October 6, 1876 during the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, the mission of ALA is “to provide leadership for the development, promotion and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.”
The ALA’s austere beginning has given way to the post-modern woke worldview. One of the main ways the ALA demonstrates its commitment to alt-leftism is its dedication to “intellectual freedom.” Thus the ALA projects a core concept of ensuring the right of individuals to access all forms of information. Accordingly, young Johnny can see what he wants, including controversial or offensive. Of course, there are exceptions to the ALA’s secular sacraments. For example, the banning of sheet music and math books since they are racist (in the mind of the Woke Cult members).
The ALA has a long history of opposing censorship (selectively). It has been involved in many high-profile cases to defend the First Amendment rights of alt-leftist library patrons.
And it all looks so lovely, as demonstrated by the 2019 ALA Annual conference video below. It delivers a warm and fuzzy. Get your collectivist hands up, happy-clappy!
The ALA also demonstrates its commitment to alt-leftism through its support for the lovely-sounding secular sacraments of a common(ist) good, social justice, and much more! The organization advocates for representing “diverse voices” and perspectives in library collections and “programming.” The ALA’s flagship program aims to ensure all community members have equal access to library services. The ALA recognizes the importance of libraries as community centers that serve “all” members of their communities and, above all, “alphabet plus” individuals. The ALA supports the rights of libraries to provide programs and services that reflect the “interests and needs of their communities,” including hosting disgusting drag queen shows.
Despite ALA’s primary fake goal of opposing censorship, libertarian, classical liberalism, and conservative materials face the Caustic Cancel Culture Pogrom. Visit a local library and look for these books:
You’re Teaching My Child What?: A Physician Exposes the Lies of Sex Ed and How They Harm Your Child
Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy1
Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children
Cloning of the American Mind: Eradicating Morality through Education
Good luck finding the above books or the hundreds of other works counter to the woke narrative. On the other hand, collectivist works such as the silly 1619 Project and putrid People’s History of the United States get top billing. Can we spell hypocrisy?
The Post-Covid Playbook
Naturally, the ALA fully endorses the post-modern woke byproduct now called Diversity Inclusion Equity (DIE). Therefore, the DIE-is-cast for the integral ingredient of its “social justice” theme.
Those self-proclaimed gods, goddesses, and “others” at ALA who lecture us about “social justice” do not care about ending poverty. They want to end wealth. If everyone in the world were poor, they wouldn’t care. Their face mask elastic strings get in a knot because some conservatives have wealth. Meanwhile, the alt-left founders of Burn Loot and Mayhem (BLM) can be very wealthy. That nifty arrangement is dapper dandy in the diluted Borg-like mind of the ALA collective.
The ALA and Pavlovian alt-leftist elite want to level everyone (except woke leaders) to poverty and mediocrity. That’s why they advocate lowering the admission standards in college based on ethnic groups, giving everyone a passing grade for just showing up. The fusion of socialism, leftism, and uber-marxism with woke big businesses is a religion based on political ideology. That political ideology is a nasty form of Utopia, and ALA priestesses go into an ecstasy-like trance when they perform one of their collectivist sacraments.
ALA supposedly also “recognizes” that libraries are responsible for providing a safe and appropriate environment for all users.3 Therefore, in the pickled brain of alt-leftists, toddlers attending drag queen shows at libraries comports to a safe environment. You can be like an intersection, anything you want to be!
The ALA recognizes that libraries may limit or filter access to certain materials, including “award-winning pornography,” following their community standards and local policies. The ALA “advocates for libraries to have the flexibility” to make their own decisions about “balancing” the right to access information for “everyone.” Of course, ALA has its very own definition of “everyone.” That is alt-left folk and undocumented visitors only. All others are relegated to suspected domestic terrorists. That wicked determination was (is?) a policy of the FBI. The “Justice” Department must have made that brilliant decision while drinking the caustic Kool-Aid spouted by the Propagandists Liars & Crooks (SLPC).
Alt-Leftism Reflection
The ALA’s commitment to alt-leftism displays like neon lights at night in a desolate desert to support “privacy rights.”
The organization advocates for protecting library patrons’ personal information and supports legislation ensuring library records’ confidentiality. That supposedly helps safeguard people’s freedom of expression and ability to access information without fear of surveillance or repercussions. As such, rest assured the ALA will hide the identity of Antifa thugs located at a library entrance threatening good people who oppose filthy drag queen shows inside the building. What a massive mound of manure.
In addition, the ALA’s commitment to alt-leftism bellows forth in its support for community engagement. It claims that libraries are places to access information and spaces that foster civic engagement and collectivist community building. The ALA encourages librarians to work with “community partners” to address social issues and promote “equity and justice.” The ALA’s pleasantly perfect pink partners include:
American Federation of Teachers (see NEA above)
The ALA’s commitment to “social justice” shows its true colors with “special” people in leadership roles. On April 13, 2022, ALA members elected Emily Drabinsky as their new president. How did Drabinski herself describe her win?4 Get the barf bag ready:
I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is the president-elect of @ALALibrary. I am so excited for what we will do together. Solidarity!
With the above background in mind, let’s petition the ALA to host a Traditional Family Symposium at its next annual meeting. In concert with its inclusivity ecosystem, we can deliver nifty presentations showing how a man and woman that procreate naturally will provide a safe environment for the children. The title will be Natural and Healthy - Heterosexuality.
Fat chance. A presentation about a natural family would be considered “fascist” and subject to thwarting by the ALA’s security partner, Antifa. Nuclear-natural families are unsuitable in the pickled mind of alt-leftists of all stripes as it takes a global village. Rest assured; the ALA is in tune with the need to abolish biological parenthood in the name of equity. Only non-procreating “Modern Families” are groovy. That nicely fulfills the population reduction mandate to save the planet. Therefore, the ALA and its alt-left members constitute a heterophobic ecosystem.
Perhaps the ALA should resurrect its classical logo over the current icon. That old logo perfectly exemplifies the worldview of the ALA, a book with blank pages.
For the capstone, behold; ALA stands with [the] Ukrainian library community. That woke proxy war fits nicely into the ALA’s uber-woke worldview. Where are ALA anti-war protesters? Absent, just like the absent environmentalists who seem not to care about damage to the planet to make their tinker-toy electric cars. Or how about the whales and dolphins dying and washing up on the New Jersey beaches while windmill farms get erected in the Atlantic Ocean? Never mind, we can’t discuss that because ocean hurricanes can knock down windmills. As a cover, the ALA followers can get on board Biden’s bumbling woke-socialist national passenger trains while carrying Green New Deal Pop-Up Posters and More!
Strictly from a sanitary perspective, the ALA’s commitment to alt-leftism encompasses various issues and beliefs. It embraces pickled-brain intellectual freedom, diversity and inclusivity, privacy rights, community engagement, and “social justice.” These worthless values are integral to the organization’s mission and librarians’ work and are essential for dummy “democracy.” The ALA’s unwavering dedication to alt-leftism ensures that libraries are inclusive, equitable, and accessible for all community members (except tradition-minded folk).📕
Source (and Not Worth Reading)
American Library Association website
This book might be found in the fiction section because “Antifa is a myth.”
It depends on what your definition of “all” is
At least she is a she, I think
Framingham, MA Dem chair: Let's abort special needs babies to save money, or something
Democratic Chair Under Fire After Suggesting 'Eugenics' Plan to Reduce Special Ed Students
But the Democratic committee chair had far more to say than that which appears in the anti-life proclamation. In his comments aimed at supporting the proclamation, Hugo proffered the eugenics-based policy of killing babies that may suffer disabilities after birth.
Dem official denounced for complaining of school budget costs for disabled children who weren’t aborted
Massachusetts Democrat told to step down after abortion comments leave parents irate
That was exceptional. Was a frequent patron of our local library. Was President of the Friends of the Library.
Fun fact. Our library system, North Central Regional Library, won a lawsuit against the ACLU representing perverts who complained the library system had a filter so they couldn't view their porn.
From 2012, "The North Central Regional Library may continue to filter the Internet to block porn and gambling sites, a federal court judge ruled Tuesday."
This was after the lawsuit went through the State Supreme Court where the NCRL also won:
"We conclude that a library can, subject to the limitations set forth in this opinion, filter Internet access for all patrons, including adults, without violating article I, section 5 of the Washington State Constitution."