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Nasty Nanny State Nanny Care
We all have heard the slogan “it’s about the children.” For sure it is indeed all about the darlings and we go to untold lengths to take care of them.
The truly melancholy part of the policy of systematically making a nation of gamesters is this, that though all are forced to play, few can understand the game; and fewer still are in a condition to avail themselves of the knowledge. The many must be the dupes of the few who conduct the machine of these speculations.
Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France, 1790
The term infrastructure coupled with “human” insults the intelligence of those who have worked on the physical transportation system all their adult lives. Stick a fork in us; we are well done. We are more like baby back ribs in the smoker all day, and the meat falls off the bone.
Frederick R. Smith
We all have heard the slogan, “It’s about the children.” For sure, it is indeed all about the darlings, and we go to untold lengths to take care of them. While we all undoubtedly have an instinct to nurture our offspring, society has embraced the collectivist philosophy that it “takes a village.” Within Your Authors’ lifetime, we have experienced continual assaults on a man and woman’s natural core family unit united in matrimony. Today, one out of every two marriages ends in divorce, and the remaining biological families now find it imperative that both the man and woman work to make ends meet. In addition to these severe problems, we are currently experiencing the debasement of cogent and natural marriage through same-gender/sex “marriage.”1
As detailed in Frederick R. Smith Speakes’ Education Section, we know that our “school” industry is an utter failure—or, in the minds of the collectivists, a resounding success. Nevertheless, with more and more money going to “education” and plummeting scholastic aptitude, our schools and institutes of higher “learning” are nothing more than the equivalent of indoctrination centers. We should also understand that daycare centers are another tentacle of this collectivist octopus.
The pseudo-nanny daycare establishment is a multibillion-dollar lobby with a vested interest in the continued growth of its subsidized services. It uses every trick in the book to expand its power and squelch critics. Scholarly studies that indicate commercial daycare is bad for children’s emotional, psychological, and physical development are swept under the rug or are called “right-wing conservative propaganda.” They have demonized researchers who had the professional nerve to talk about their findings openly. This lobby even uses educational and psychiatric “professionals” to marginalize the role of parents, tricked into believing that “experts” are the best means to raise children. All of this is simply despicable.
The Problem
Among the noise emanating from the nanny state lobby, rarely do we hear about significant problems associated with daycare. Like hidden school problems, state-funded daycare issues get glossed over and quickly swept aside by the establishment. Any information about the adverse effects of daycare is taboo because it goes against the grain of the people who believe the government must take care of “peoples” from the cradle to the grave. The debased elite (our collectivist politicians and their allies) who promote and defend daycare will get their prize: future and willing socialist puppet robots.
The Reincarnated Illuminati and their programmed puppet robots despise the natural core family unit, and daycare is just another arrow in their quiver to shape, mold, and control the populace, just like BLM’s now-deleted mission statement about the need to do away with the traditional family unit. Despite what we see and hear from the media, there are plenty of intended (or unintended) consequences of cradle care. Here’s the shortlist:
Aggressive behavior,
Higher rates of illness (ear infections, respiratory disease, and digestive problems),
Insecure attachment to their mothers, and
Hampered cognitive development.
While the media and the daycare center lobby (mobocracy) may not admit that there are problems, any father or mother who still has some parental instincts knows better. Even those who defend this pseudo-nanny lobby would acknowledge that they do not like to have somebody else mold their children (if one could ever corner them with the stark reality).
Of course, the rich collectivists employ an in-home nanny, much like the gun-grabbers, with lots of security (private police) and walls [!] surrounding their castle. No soup for you. But wait, there is more, such as the example of fraud and embezzlement at a government-subsided daycare center.
It Takes a Village
Despite the overwhelming statistical and empirical evidence to the contrary, we continually get bombarded with the “it takes a village” bubbles soap from the debased democrats and the “no child left behind” mantra from the crummy money and power-hungry neo-conservatives. That is nothing more than the program that first creates the problem, second the reaction, and third the solution. For example, our lousy tax system forces both parents to go out to the workplace. In the middle of the last century, about 50% of married couples with children paid no federal income tax because of a decent $3,000 personal exemption, which would be $100,000 today (with inflation honestly figured into the rate). 2 Today, a dependent care exemption is only available to parents who send their darlings to licensed daycare centers. That is biased, and it is outrageous. And now the crummy commie nanny state only wants “college-educated” (wink, wink) collectivists to provide daycare.
Collectivist state nanny care now forms the iceberg tip: socialism enrobed in a “dumbocracy” veneer to hold in the vile stench. Crummy communist collectivism comprises the most significant hidden portion of this iceberg. Under the surface, we have the hell pit of public education (social engineering) and private schools, with few exceptions, which are in the same foul-smelling musty boat. No getting around it or losing “accreditation.” And academia, with few exceptions, deserves an honorable mention for its USA-phobic centric crapola comprised of the vile anti-God elements of Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, and Maoism philosophy incorporated into lesson plans.
As government “investment” skyrockets, so will Leviathan’s mandated “daycare” curriculum.3 Perhaps our illustrious lawmakers will make good use of Kinky Kinsey’s fine work. As that drumbeat goes on, part and parcel with the daycare-less narrative, we hear about the lack of pay parity between men and women. Fact: Women get the same pay for the same job, just like the rest of the alphabet soup.
It is easy to make a half-truth into a meme virus. The trickery is to gin up the numbers from the past when women chose to stay home in a more sane world, like when Your Author was a dependent, to come up with today’s new standard fiat truths about pay parody.
Unquestionably, Your Author does indeed believe that any person, regardless of gender, or combination of genders/sex, or asexual (or the term of the week), religious, or atheist, should have the same opportunities—provided they are qualified to perform the tasks associated with the job. However, the significant good a woman can do for her children faces the Caustic Cancel Culture Pogrom. Why are the parents’ personal and financial sacrifices to decide to keep a mother at home with her children overlooked? The answer: plain old Communism.
And the smears keep on coming. The collectivist “Nazi” bark to describe a conservative is an old hardcore Communist tactic. That is a (learned) favorite tactic of the current cadre of collectivists such as Cher. Her Twitter feed growled out the Nazi smear to describe the Republicans (and voters) that won offices in the November 2021 state elections. Meanwhile, Missouri Senator Joseph Hawley is under fire for “assertive masculinity.” Another mental viral meme to debase a human tradition in perfect harmony for thousands of years. And, of course, Your Author will face branding as homophobic and misogynic for writing about a time-tested institution that has unquestionably been good for society. Go pound sand, Hetrophobes.
Families will save the money otherwise spent on daycare-less. Moms are encouraged to consider at-home work or other jobs that can be flexible enough to maximize the time available to be with their children. Or how about this novel idea—dad working shifts that complement mom’s work schedule so both can share in the cogent in-home care of their loved ones.
For sure, luminaries such as the late Sigmund Freud, George Chisholm, and John Dewy would be very proud of the nanny state system of today.
The crummy Republicans and debased collectivist Democrats (all) passed a massive childcare subsidy regime as part of the “Build Back Better” putrid commie infrastructure package. That is correct—human infrastructure. It is such an infuriating prospect that the media, hook, line, and sinker, sucked the bosom of the nanny state to swallow this vile mind virus meme. To say “human infrastructure” is an example of linguistic gymnastics. The nasty viral meme: human infrastructure = social engineering. The reality: a deadly viral contagion that replicates psychologically to make the masses willing and obedient robots.
Now for the pinnacle of human infrastructure coupled with massive transportation (cough, cough) “investment” (wink, wink) spending as reported by Investopedia on November 15, 2021, Anno Domini:
“Generations from now, people will look back and know this is when America won the economic competition for the 21st century,” said President Joe Biden in a statement released late Fri., Nov. 5, 2021, shortly after the House of Representatives passed the $1.2 trillion bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act by a 228-to-206 vote. Thirteen Republicans [collectivists] and all but six of the House Democrats voted for the bill and sent it to the President’s desk to be signed into law.
Progressives had threatened to vote against the measure but at the last minute agreed to support it after moderates promised they would back the companion social safety net and climate bill, officially known as the Build Back Better Act, provided an upcoming cost score by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) showed that the plan would not add to the budget deficit. … [what a joke]
What’s in …. $400 billion for childcare and universal preschool. The plan is designed to save most American families more than half of their spending on childcare by providing two years of free preschool for every 3- and 4-year-old in America and additional funding for childcare.
The term infrastructure coupled with “human” insults the intelligence of those who worked on the physical transportation system all their adult lives. Stick a fork in us; we are well done. It’s more like baby back ribs in the smoker all day, and the meat falls off the bone.
Many elements comprise the “Social Justice” ecosphere. The particular bits include Critical Race conspiracy Theory, Critical Legal conspiracy Theory, Environmental Justice, Equality & Inclusion, Intersectionality, Cultural Appropriation, Environmental Worship, WOKEisim, Hate USA, Gender Whatever, etc. All these moving parts work together as a seamless garment to obtain the ultimate goal of a Nasty New World Order. As an insurance policy, make the serfs obedient from the beginning (day careless) with contiguous control into the grave. 4
If your place of worship preaches social justice, run for the hills, no matter the creed or denomination. If Catholic, remember, the “Campaign for Human Development” (CCHD) is nothing more than putrid and debased social justice (Communism) on steroids.5 Even cogent Catholics will have the offering envelopes mailed to their home for this disgusting pogrom. As a suggestion, do not stuff that envelope and burn it. Alternatively, place that money in a plain envelope and mark it “unrestricted gift” in the regular collection. That way, such money will stay at your cogent local church as it will not face the “diocesan tax” (the garnishment for the Dioceses).
This crummy dummy new daycare, an equivalent to a subsidy regime, is a cut-and-paste of that beautiful (coughed, cough) Obamacare pogrom. Like everything else leaving the swamp pit, daycare is another unconstitutional collectivist pogrom. All this crapola will add to the exponential and incomprehensible debt approaching 30 trillion dollars. Meanwhile, we hear noises like the need for 150 trillion to fix climate change globally.
Guess what, Reincarnated Illuminati, Fred read your books. The simple conclusion: you are all plain old stupid if you think about the construction of your Tower of Babel. Many proletariats no longer want to work—so, who will build it? Inflation directly results from your crummy fiat currency; fewer programmed puppets will want to work because of the debased salary. Automation such as driverless trucks and zero-emission transportation blabbers is, at best, a sham and a noble lie at worst. It is a form of artificial euphoria, and you know it.
This crummy government-sponsored daycare will increase the operating cost just as it did Obamacare. And, like many government pogroms, expect crummy results (no quality). It will be a disaster. 6 Nevertheless, the sheep will accompany all this collectivist vomit from Karl Marx’s inferno. They will act like Pavlov’s Dog and drool at the trigger—crummy news media’s whistle called “breaking news.” The growl will be, “Fred is a right-wing white supremacist.” Go pound sand, Reincarnated Illuminati, and associated useful idiots.
Day Care Deception
The primary inspiration for this Speaks write-up is Brian C. Robertson’s book Day Care Deception: What the Child Care Establishment Isn’t TellinIsn’t
In his book, Robertson details a shocking fact concerning the Columbine High School shooting. Before Dylan Klebold helped gun down twelve students and a teacher at Columbine High School, he wrote an essay that depicted Satan opening a daycare center in Hell. Meanwhile, we have our detractors. But unlike the collectivists, your Author will defend the right to opposing views, such as the following from Amazon:
Your Author is ever grateful for being raised by his mother at home and businessman father in the middle 50s and 60s of the last century (now you know Fred’s approFred’s age). For a positive tidbit, good entries comprise most of the reviews.
Additional Recommended Reading
National Review - Day Care Deception, Stay-at-home moms are undervalued
Cogent author and publisher, Frederick R. Smith
Uh oh, hate speech alert, quick, get on the horn to the Southern Poverty Law Center
“Investment!” Gag me with a big wooden spoon.
The Nasty New World Order siblings include Build Back Better, Great Reset, and Green New Deal.
See Lepanto Institute, CCHD Reports
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The Frederick R. Smith blog is the ramblings of an uncommon man in a post-modern world. As a master of few topics, your author desires to give readers a sense of the thoughts of a senior citizen who lived most of his life before the new normal.