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Putrid Persuasion Pogrom - Part 1
The mainstream establishment relegates left-wing terrorism to the back page but this menace has been with us for decades.
This blog is a two-part series about how the mad machine persuades people to goose step with the collective hive. Part 1 reviews left-wing eco-terrorism as a precursor to how it fits into the “system.” Part 2 will analyze the system’s psychological operation (psyops).
Any type of terrorism, domestic or otherwise, is an evil act. Be it right, left, or from a religious cult, we must go on the offense against the perpetrator(s). However, since the Oklahoma City bombing (1995), the mad media machine has conditioned the public to believe in an overarching “right-wing white supremest” threat. Today it is all about “racist domestic terrorism.” No such thing as left-wing. If it is left-wing, then we are told it is plain vanilla terrorism (or civil disobedience). Meanwhile, conservatives expressing their free speech face charges as “right-wing white supremacist domestic terrorists.”
Along with callous acts of terrorism, we are subject to an intrusive form of persuasion. This lesser form, or psyops, includes dividing people among items such as race, economic status, gender, health, jab-status, etc.
Despite the media’s disdain for the “right,” we all know about the terrorism worldwide perpetrated by extreme elements of a particular religion. Listening to the crummy media with a genuinely open mind, one sees the kid-glove treatment of left-wing terrorism to save animals and protect the environment. Stay tuned for Part 2; it will become clear why this is so.
The Leftist Eco-Nexus
While the mainstream establishment relegates left-wing eco-terrorism and other collectivist dastardly deeds to the back page, this menace has been with us for decades. In the early 1970s, there were a series of eco-sabotage acts against several Chicago area businesses. In 1972, “Environmental Action” published the “Ecotage!” guide. During this period, Edward Abbey honored eco-terrorism in his novel called The Monkey Wrench Gang. In 1977, unsatisfied members of Greenpeace formed the “Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.” This splinter group attacked commercial fishing operations by cutting drift nets and performed other “eco-terrorism” worldwide.
The FBI defines eco-terrorism as “the use or threatened use of violence of a criminal nature against innocent victims or property by an environmentally-oriented, subnational group for environmental-political reasons, or aimed at an audience beyond the target, often of a symbolic nature.” These movements have spawned several extremist groups linked to animal rights and the environment.
It is essential to mention that this author does not lump all concerned about the environment into the same ilk as those who have perpetrated the previously listed eco violence. Likewise, organizations such as the SPCA do beautiful things to help animals.
Note the date for the above video, February 21, 2018. As a Fox report, coupled with the administration of the time, it is a wonder that it exists in the Youtube ecosystem.
Animal Liberation Front
The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) is a renegade group engaged in violence against animal-related interests worldwide. The ALF was started in Great Britain in the 1970s and quickly extended worldwide to include the United States. Many people associated with this movement have been arrested and convicted, but this group poses unique problems; many people and separate sub-groups perform acts in solidarity with ALF. Individuals associated with the ALF do not fill out paperwork or pay dues. They engage in “direct action” against individuals or organizations using animals for economic gain or research. People acting in solidarity with ALF perform their criminal activity to cause financial loss or destroy company operations. An ALF spokesperson was known to say, “It’s a war. A long, hard, bloody war.”
More recently, the ALF is known to the FBI as one of the most active extremist movements in the United States. Officially, the ALF declares that “operations” are to be conducted so that no harm comes to “any animal, human and nonhuman.” The ALF’s minions have performed an increasing number of criminal acts against many organizations in the United States, including animal research laboratories, restaurants, fur companies, and mink farms. In the decade leading up to 2004, the ALF caused more than 45 million dollars of damage in the USA. The FBI also indicates that the ALF desires to impose its social and political philosophy through force and violence.
Earth First!
In 1981, Dave Foreman, a former lobbyist for the Wilderness Society, founded Earth First! This organization quickly conducted many protests and civil disobedience acts. Four years later, its members introduced the process of inserting a metal or ceramic spikes in trees to damage saws. This tactic to thwart logging is known as “tree-spiking.” This activity can cause danger to loggers and sawmill operators.
Foreman faced conviction for conspiracy in a plot to sabotage nuclear power plants in three states. He argued that “monkeywrenching” is “morally required” as “self-defense on the part of the Earth.” After a mill worker was seriously injured when a hidden spike shattered a saw blade, Foreman responded: “the old-growth forest in North Idaho is a hell of a lot more important than Joe Six-pack.”
In 1989 Foreman and his disciples left Earth First! to start the “Wildlands Network” to eliminate people from large tracks of land. Foreman is the author of the 1991 book “Confessions of an Eco-Warrior.” In this book, he writes:
The only hope of the Earth is to withdraw huge areas as inviolate natural sanctuaries from the depredations of modern industry and technology. Move out the people and cars. Reclaim the roads and the plowed lands.
Earth Liberation Front
In 1992, the ELF was founded in Brighton, England, by Earth First! members who refused to abandon criminal acts as a tactic when others wished to mainstream Earth First!. In 1993, the ELF was listed for the first time along with the ALF in a communiqué declaring solidarity in actions between the two groups. Today, it is common for the ALF and the ELF to post joint proclamations of responsibility for criminal activities on their websites.
The ELF advocates “monkeywrenching” (acts of sabotage and property destruction) to damage industries and other entities that they believe to be damaging the environment.
Leftist Eco-Event Compendium
Unfortunately, mainstream environmental groups seem to take a passive stance concerning the eco-terrorists. Also, the mainstream media seems to have a penchant for downplaying or simply ignoring eco-terrorism. To wit, few people have heard about the following eco-terrorism activities:
In 1987, the group EMETIC (Evan Mecham Eco-Terrorist International Conspiracy) engaged in eco-terrorism against nuclear power plants and ski resorts in the southwestern United States. In November 1987, this group declared responsibility for damage at the Fairfield Snow Bowl Ski Resort near Flagstaff, Arizona. Three members were arrested in May 1989 on charges relating to this incident and planned further attacks at the Central Arizona Project and Palo Verde nuclear generating stations in Arizona, the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Facility in California, and the Colorado Rocky Flats Nuclear Facility. All pleaded guilty and faced a sentence in September 1991.
On February 2, 1992, an arsonist sustained a conviction for his role in the February 2, 1992, attack at an animal research laboratory on the campus of Michigan State University. Damage estimates exceeded $200,000. Research records were also destroyed.
On April 20, 1997, a person turned himself in and admitted on videotape to purchasing, constructing, and transporting five pipe bombs to the scene of the March 11, 1997, arson at the Fur Breeders Agricultural co-op in Sandy, Utah. This same person also admitted to setting fire to the facility and was indicted on June 19, 1997, 16 counts. Though not officially claimed by ALF, the convicted individual indicated during an interview after his arrest that he was a member of ALF.
The ALF and the ELF have jointly claimed credit for several raids, including a November 1997 attack of the Bureau of Land Management wild horse corrals near Burns, Oregon. This attack destroyed the entire complex resulting in damages of over $50,000.
In June 1998, the ALF and the ELF jointly claimed credit for an arson attack at a U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal Damage Control Building near Olympia, Washington. Damages exceeded $2 million.
On September 16, 1998, a federal grand jury in the Western District of Wisconsin indicted two people for “Hobbs Act” (Extortion By Force, Violence, or Fear) violations and animal enterprise terrorism. One of the two suspects was apprehended in Belgium, then extradited to the United States.
In October 1998, ELF claimed sole credit for arson of a Vail, Colorado ski facility (four ski lifts, a restaurant, a picnic facility, and a utility building. Damage exceeded $12 million.
On December 27, 1998, the ELF claimed responsibility for the arson at the U.S. Forest Industries Office in Medford, Oregon. Damages exceeded $500,000. Around the same period, the ELF claimed to be behind arsons in Oregon, New York, Washington, Michigan, and Indiana.
In 2000, the ELF claimed responsibility for 16 fires at construction sites for luxury homes in Colorado, Arizona, and New York. Law enforcement officials linked this to the Anarchist Golf Association, which destroyed Oregon’s two grass seed research centers. The group is also blamed for a fire at a Forest Service tree biogenetic research site in Wisconsin.
On August 30, 2000, a person pleaded guilty to two counts of animal enterprise terrorism and faced sentencing on November 3, 2000. The prosecution arose out of this individual’s involvement in mink releases in Wisconsin in 1997. The ALF claimed this incident.
On January 23, 2001, a monkey wrencher was arrested by officers of the Department of Natural Resources with assistance from the Indianapolis Joint Terrorism Task Force on a local warrant out of Monroe County Circuit Court, Bloomington, Indiana, charging that person with timber spiking. This same individual likely helped with the spiking of approximately 150 trees in Indiana state forests. The ELF claimed responsibility for these incidents.
In February 2001, three teenagers pleaded guilty, as adults, to title 18 USC 844(i), arson, and 844(n), Arson Conspiracy. These charges were sought due to a series of arsons and attempted arsons of new home construction sites in Long Island, New York. On February 15, 2001, an adult was also arrested and charged under the same federal statutes. One of those convicted stated that these acts were in sympathy with the ELF movement. The New York Joint Terrorism Task Force played a significant role in arresting and prosecuting these individuals.
Throughout 2002, the ELF has also claimed attacks on genetically engineered crops and trees. The ELF claims these attacks have totaled close to $40 million in damages. The group’s name, the Coalition to Save the Preserves (CSP), surfaced concerning several arsons in the Phoenix, Arizona, area. These arsons targeted several new homes under construction near the North Phoenix Mountain Preserves. Authorities established no direct connection was found between the CSP and ALF/ELF. However, the stated goal of CSP, to stop the development of previously undeveloped. That is similar to the ELF’s intent. The property damage associated with the arsons was more than $5 million.
In August 2002, radical environmentalists burned down an apartment complex under construction in San Diego. After that, eco-terrorists attacked four SUV dealerships in West Covina, a Los Angeles suburb. Federal agents have arrested a 25-year-old member of an organization dedicated to peace and environmentalism for the crime. These attacks were perpetrated by the ELF, which has boasted of committing arson and bombings. Early 2002, ELF issued “an open call for direct action.” It later took responsibility for torching a Forest Service lab in Pennsylvania.
In August 2003, radical environmentalists burned down an apartment complex under construction in San Diego. Around the same time, eco-terrorists attacked four SUV dealerships in West Covina, a Los Angeles suburb. Federal agents have arrested a 25-year-old member of an organization supposedly dedicated to peace and environmentalism.
In July 2004, Jerry Vlasak, a forty-six-year-old heart surgeon from Los Angeles, was banned from entering Britain to attend a conference held by SHAC-UK and SPEAK, an anti-vivisection group, for remarks he made to an audience at an animal rights conference in Los Angles in 2003. Vlasak said that the assassination of scientists working in biomedical research would save millions of animals’ lives. “I think violence is part of the struggle against oppression. If something bad happens to these people [animal researchers], it will discourage others. It is inevitable that violence will be used in the struggle and that it will be effective.” 1
On May 3, 2011, two Los Angeles-based animal rights extremist cells falsely claimed that letters containing “a dangerous present” had been sent to Edythe London, a UCLA scientist, and Joaquin Fuster the previous week a retired UCLA scientist. The hoax was claimed jointly by the “Justice Department,” a group that has mailed contaminated razor blades to animal researchers at other U.S. universities and injured several people using letter bombs in the 1990s, and the Animal Liberation Brigade (ALB), which claimed responsibility for setting off pipe bombs at the offices of two companies tied to animal testing in 2003. Both are offshoots of the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), the most active extreme animal rights movement in the country. 2
The above is just a sample for even more information; check out An Overview of Bombing and Arson Attacks by Environmental and Animal Rights Extremists in the United States, 1995-2010.
Stay tuned for Part 2.
Sources and reference
American Terrorism Environment Style by Doug Bandow - Human Events, September 23, 2003
The Threat of Eco-Terrorism, James F. Jarboe, Domestic Terrorism Section Chief, Counterterrorism Division, before the House Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health, February 12, 2002
Counter Extremism Project, Extreme Left Groups in the United States
ADL, Ecoterrorism: Extremism in the Animal Rights and Environmentalist Movements
Cogent author and publisher, Frederick R. Smith
Direct quote from ADL, Ecoterrorism: Extremism in the Animal Rights and Environmentalist Movements
Ibid. Note: the bulleted text above No 1 and No 2 in the writeup are paraphrased from your author’s hard copy of American Terrorism Environment Style by Doug Bandow - Human Events, September 23, 2003.