Constitution v. Novus Ordo Seclorum
This post is not a joke, and it is not a conspiracy theory. It is about an old quest to rule the world. It is indeed a stark reality. Don’t get ready, be ready.
The real menace of our republic is the invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over our city, state, and nation. At the head is a small group of Banking houses generally referred to as ‘International Bankers.’ This little coterie virtually runs our government for their own selfish ends.
John F. Hylan, mayor of New York City, 1922
Twenty-five years of self-study prepared me to write this essay in eight hours. This post is not a joke, and it is not a conspiracy theory. It is about an old quest to rule the world. It is indeed a stark reality. Don’t get ready, be ready.
The Birth of the United States
July 4, 1776, saw the birth of a new nation that sought to deliver itself from a world empire, the British. The newly minted United States fought the British in the Revolutionary war and won the decisive battle at Yorktown, Virginia, on October 19, 1781. To achieve that victory, the United States allied with France. That required wealth; thus, the new nation obtained money under a debt framework. We can thank Alexander Hamilton for working hard to propagate that nefarious banking system.
Without French aid, the United States might never have realized its “independence.” Instead, a mild form of autonomy occurred as the States were obligated to shoulder the debt. Some historians will argue the Revolutionary War was about money interests. Thus, the struggle for liberty was a front for the real story (money). The same argument persists for the Civil War with slavery as the “narrative.” As we shall see, it is the same today with identical global power skirmishes, but worse. Today the overarching diversions reside in the Covid and environmental narrative.
With the backdrop of money interests, also in 1776, Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations. That great work of literature inspired an economic framework unlike anything from the past. It spelled out the system for meaningful exchange of goods and services under a free people. They made agreements with each other via wealth exchanges for goods and services. Based on a sound monetary system with intrinsic value, such an arrangement among a moral and virtuous population would ensure that society flourishes. Thus, each business or person working in self-interest would provide for a commonwealth. In other words, the interests of all occurred. That good form of free-will wealth distribution was the opposite of what we know today. Those nefarious systems include socialism, communism, crony capitalism, and private-public partnerships (fascism). Of course, that list included the extinct virulent form of national socialism called Nazism. Few today who use the word fascism know its historical pedigree from an economic standpoint. More so for the Nazi system.
Unfortunately, as Jefferson warned us, a central bank and unfettered credit lead to corruption. His warning gave us a prophetic look at the future of big businesses and big government.
Jefferson was in Paris representing the United States and witnessed the beginning of the French Revolution (May 1789). He departed France in September 1789. He remained a firm supporter of the French Revolution while opposing its more violent elements. The French Revolution reminds us of the frightening excesses of unfettered liberty (anarchy). On the other side of the spectrum is the oppressive government (tyranny).
With the rise of fake inflammatory partisanship in recent years, many who worry about overarching government quote Jefferson’s passage about the “blood of patriots.” Those words come from Jefferson’s letter to William Stephens Smith on November 13, 1787, about Shay’s Rebellion in Massachusetts. Those wishing for a strong central government (Federalists) found Shay’s Rebellion (Fall of 1786) to be a helpful ingredient in their narrative to sell the notion of a strong central government.
The Constitution
In their desire for a strong central government, the Federalists got their way with a Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from May 25 to September 17, 1787. Some scholars argue that the Federalists nefariously sold the need for a convention by claiming to revise the existing system of government under the Articles of Confederation. But the intention from the outset focused on creating a new form of government. The major players included James Madison of Virginia and Alexander Hamilton of New York. Shay’s Rebellion a year earlier seems to have bolstered the Federalist’s quest. An early example of a “narrative.”
The Federalist Papers were a brilliant compendium that sold the new nation to seek a new charter. With a counter-set of essays, the anti-federalists warned of a future tyrannical leviathan. Fast forward to our current plight; we can see they were correct. Nevertheless, both sides had valid arguments, and the Federalists won the day. They crafted a brilliant initial charter bolstered with a bill of rights.
The delegates elected George Washington of Virginia as the President of the Convention. As the former commanding general of the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), he favored a stronger national government. The result of the Convention was the creation of the Constitution of the United States, placing the Convention among the most significant events in American and world history.
An educated society with values, principles, and a sound money system initially flourished under the Constitution and the first ten amendments (Bill of Rights). However, the initial unanswered question of slavery and a long train of abuses occurred. That includes harmful amendments and ghost money giving us the dystopian reality we live under today. The Constitution is a document of compromises, unlike the crummy consensus of today. Thus, it contains three major elements that, absent a virtuous society, open the door to abuse.
Speech and Debate Clause. Article I, Section 6, Clause 1 reads: “The Senators and Representatives shall receive a compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States. They shall in all cases, except treason, felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any speech or debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other place.” The speech and debate clause protects members of Congress from worrying about anything they say during legislative activities. Therefore, nobody may implicate them in a lawsuit.
General Welfare and Commerce. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 specifies the power of the federal government, limiting it to building roads, maintaining a post office, raising and maintaining military forces to protect the nation from either external or internal aggression, establishing patent and copyright laws, establishing maritime laws, establishing uniform banking regulations, coining money, and declaring war on an aggressor nation (when necessary). Thus, as crafted, the Constitution limited the federal government’s authority. Specifically, it prevents intrusion into the States’ affairs and the people’s lives.
Necessary and Proper Clause. Although often commonly referred to as the “sweeping clause,” “elastic clause,” or “necessary and proper clause,” it is not as expansive as its nicknames suggest. After listing the 17 specific powers delegated to Congress, Article I, Section 8, Clause 16 concludes by specifying that Congress has the power to pass any necessary and proper law to implement the powers already delegated to it. This lawmaking power is limited and defined by its delegated ends: “for carrying into execution the foregoing powers.” All the clause does is make explicit a power already implied in the grants of powers in Section 8 and elsewhere. The “necessary and proper” clause is thus a means for Congress to achieve its constitutionally mandated ends.
The Speech and Debate Clause (privilege procedure) may have worked before the overarching corruption we live under today. It has become an extraordinary privilege as Congress members (all parties) are above the law. And, of course, General Welfare and Commerce gave the usurpers Carte Blanche to do anything desired, given the ability to create money out of thin air. The collectivists and neoconservatives inside and outside Congress find the Necessary and Propper Clause an open-door policy. We all live under this program called inflation (a hidden tax). Based on the above, virtually everything birthed by Congress is an extra-constitutional act.
In addition to the above three holes in the dam, modern Supreme Court decisions enabled the elitists to use treaties to undermine Constitutional safeguards. Please see Treaties Torching the Constitution.
Classical Economics
With the above backdrop, students of classical economics know that free enterprise with limited government and intrinsic money provides the optimum platform to flourish. That system guarantees life, liberty, and property, providing people with the internal desire to work and prosper. Today the collectivist brain trust spawns lazy people.
American entrepreneur Benjamin Franklin knew Adam Smith and met with him in Great Britain. That encounter influenced some of his thinking, as demonstrated by his involvement at the Constitutional Convention. America was already at the forefront of this new type of economic freedom. It provided a model for Smith’s vision of how free people could exchange goods and services to improve each other and society. Franklin would be astonished by the willful ordering of the killing of entrepreneurship (WOKE).
We know globalism is an old idea to achieve world dominance, as demonstrated by entities at their height, such as the British Empire and the Roman Republic. Even the United States, acting outside the bounds of the Constitution, has dabbled with such notions under the banner of crummy “Nation Building” to install dumbocracy. With the last Constitutionally approved conflict of World War II in mind, think Afghanistan.
Recently, we read and heard about feeling good about “globalism.” Those with some cognitive abilities also know this as the New World Order or Novus Ordo Seclorum.
Novus Ordo Seclorum
Novus Ordo Seclorum is the Latin motto suggested in 1782 by Charles Thomson, the Founding Father chosen by the Continental Congress to develop the final design for the Great Seal of the United States.
Five years before the Constitutional Convention, on June 20, 1782, Congress approved Thomson’s design for both sides of the Great Seal, whose official description for the reverse side specifies: “On the base of the pyramid, the numerical letters MDCCLXXVI & underneath the following motto - Novus Ordo Seclorum.” Although Thomson did not provide an exact translation of the motto, he explained its meaning in conjunction with the date MDCCLXXVI (1776) on the base of the unfinished pyramid: “The words under it signify the beginning of the new American Æra.”
He adapted it from a line in Virgil’s Eclogue IV, a pastoral poem written by the famed Roman writer in the first century B.C., expressing the longing for a new era of peace and happiness. The original Latin in Virgil’s Eclogue IV (line 5) is: “Magnus ab integro seclorum nascitur ordo.” An accurate translation of Novus Ordo Seclorum is “A New Order of the Ages,” but the meaning of this motto is better understood when seen in its original context.
NOVUS means new, young, novel, or renewed.
ORDO means order, row, or series.
SECLORUM means ages, generations, or centuries.
These words had a meaning familiar to all of the Founding Fathers with an education in the classics (nearly all of them). Unlike virtually all Americans today, they would have read Virgil’s Aeneid, in which these words play an influential role, and they would know Virgil’s Fourth Eclogue.
It is unclear when writers started using the loose translation of the New World Order from Novus Ordo Seclorum. For some, it gets out of hand with truly outlandish theories such as black helicopters and shape-shifting reptilians. Nevertheless, influential people like President George H.W. Bush used the term. He refers to it at 7:42 during his January 16, 1991, speech announcing the Persin Gulf War.
President Biden referred to it at 0:45 during a speech on March 21, 2022:
The Predator Global Psychopaths
Currently, the discussion of sovereignty sees the Pavlovian retort bellowing the false notion of xenophobia. Or, more recently, it is touted as comparing nationalists to national socialism (Nazi). We can see that the collectivists are masters at linguistic gymnastics. For example, as the collectivist narrative goes, Trump is a nationalist and must be xenophobic at best or populist at worst. So, in reality, it is not about Trump but the Predator Global Psychopath (PGP) big club and their programmed sheep among us.
Who are a the PGPs? We, the ordinary people who can still think, know “them” to be people and institutions of wealth absent an attachment to a nation. They do have a passion for neo-Marxist and predatory capitalism. These collectivist systems embolden the PGP and their controlled masses. The more prominent in the USA include but are not limited to Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, and Anthony Fauci. They support incredibly progressive agendas similar to Joe Biden and John Kerry.
Many “moderate” liberals, neo-conservatives, republicans, and even libertarians, are globalists. The cadre includes the Clinton, Bush, and Koch families. They disputed President Trump’s “populism” as that was a front or narrative for their hatred of national identity in favor of the love of globalization. Unlike the empires of yesteryear, it is under a new worldwide open conspiracy of money and power enjoyed by the global PGPs. Instant worldwide communication makes that a reality toot sweet.
By tossing their love of the nation, PGPs make their future by predation and debasing the United States and other countries into a poor populace using forced labor in China. Their bloody Communist partners (CCP) persecute Christians and Falun Gong participants. The separation of church and state means nothing to the CCP. They control the “catholic” church by appointing their CCP bishops with the consent of the PGPs spiritual leader, “pope” Francis. The real Catholics in China are underground. They face imprisonment and torture, with Francis and his globalist minions looking the other way.
The CCP holds Islamic people behind barbwire and forces abortion if you have one too many children. They harvest organs from living people. No wonder abortion abounds here to fulfill the population reduction mind meld. In China, people die inside their door-bolted apartments, and slavery occurs in “work camps.”
By partnering with USA bio “experts,” the CCP birthed the Covid virus. They use SARS-CoV-2 against the world and use their very own citizenry as an unrestricted weapon. Have you heard about this in the legacy media?
The liberals and progressives naively believe that contemporary globalism comprises “greedy capitalists.” Neocons swallow the same Kool-Aid. The hard truth is that all PGPs reject a competitive free-market system. They partner with the government to enforce their exploitations (fascism). Antifa is confused. Cloaked in progressive propaganda, that plan unfolds as the super WOKE program k“Environmental Social and Governance.”
It is infuriating to hear the PGPs’ propaganda machine bloviate about the environment while getting their goodies made by the uber-polluting CCP. Elon Musk pretends to be the antithesis of the PGPs. Nothing could be further from the truth, with consumers getting tax breaks to buy Musk’s crummy tinker toys. It is all a big lie as electric cars will, in the long term, cause more harm to the environment than internal combustion vehicles. Electric cars are a collectivist’s dream virtue signal. Look at me; I’m driving an electric car! Never mind sitting for an hour to recharge and getting a high energy bill! It’s good for the planet, you see. Better yet, take Amtrak! It is very cost-efficient for the taxpayer. Moreover, we will have the fantastic California High-Speed Rail system to use soon.
Many of the wealthy crony corporations in the world and their woke employees are in a cult-like relationship. It is a collectivist mind meld. Uber-rich tech companies such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter persistently censor wholesome content as “hate” speech. Meanwhile, they promote the castration of young children under the mind-blowing “gender affirmation” mantra. It’s all about the children, Yup!
The globalist self-aggrandizing mental masturbation marches on to the exclusion of ordinary folk. It is now in the open. The Globalism cauldron seeks to transform humanity into a trans-human market. It marches on without regard for principles such as life, liberty, and property. The fake commercials touting the betterment of society are an insult to the intelligence of the dwindling few who can still think independently.
The PGPs believe the human population is too numerous. Thus, humanity needs some pruning. The demonic depopulation elements include:
Meanwhile, racial strife and exponential growth of violent crime abound. That fueled the perfect storm. The defunding and debasement of local police will usher in an overarching national force—more power porn for the PGPs.
If environmental bullies such as Bill Gates profess to love the environment, they must be acutely aware of avoiding harm to Mother Gaia. Or would they? For example, Gates hatched a plan to dim the sun to tackle climate change. With the help of Harvard scientists, they worked to determine whether they could lower sunlight. Get that, sports fans, shade the sun to fight climate change. Perhaps they have figured out how to turn off the orbiting aerosol particulates during cooling periods.
If it sees fruition, these mad scientists’ “Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment” could usher in a nuclear winter. We can thank Malinda Gates for saving humankind by divorcing Bill. She slammed on the brake by taking vast sums of money from Bill to stop this geoengineering program.
The PGPs are nothing short of megalomaniacs. They think of the common folk as insects for disposal at a whim. For example, in the three years of the Fauci-funded China-flu lab release, not one person or entity has faced the consequences. In an incredible display of hubris, many perpetrators continue to “serve the people” by conducting deadly gain-of-function experiments with taxes and inflation-hidden taxes to pay salaries and bonuses. Meanwhile, people faced arrest for not wearing a mask outside. Burn Loot Mayhem (BLM), and Antifa get a pass.
After “15 days to flatten the curve,” we live under medical tyranny almost three years later. Do not look for accountability if the Republicans gain the majority. They are just as much a part of the money machine as their semi-communist counterpart. Fauci et al. said the mRNA (bioweapon) clot shot was safe and effective. They planned it with the high-level “Event 201” exercise on October 18, 2019.
In 1940, Fabian socialist H. G. Wells wrote the book The New World Order. That classic book advocated the unification of the nations of the world. It popularized the need to end all wars and bring global peace. Since the late eighteenth century, when the old guard PGPs first called for the New World Order, many have openly advocated its creation.
The last-century champions of a New World Order included President Woodrow Wilson, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, President George H. W. Bush, British prime minister Tony Blair, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, banker David Rockefeller, and then-Senator Joe Biden. Some prominent people who dared to expose the New World Order, such as Congressman Larry McDonald, paid the ultimate price.
The DGPs primarily deal in one commodity, power. Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum are the current century's more prominent Big Club members. They rebranded the New World Order as the Great Reset. Need more proof, then check out the Georgia Guidestones.
The system will crash, as desired, to depopulate and “save the planet.” The PGPs are genuinely a part of an evil cauldron. Don’t get ready, be ready.
We are likely living in the first truly global war. Maybe the Ukrainian War is the manifestation or cracks in the veneer of the Great Reset. Biden seems to be able to create billions at a whim to fuel that conflict. Constitutional? Indeed, just like the vast quantity of extra-constitutional laws, edicts, orders, mandates, regulations, and baseless money vomited out of the Leviathan. Satanism is in; Christianity is out. Moreover, opposition to drag queen shows for children is abnormal behavior. It is a massive mound of manure.
The PGPs say this easy belongs in the wrong-think basket. Sleep well tonight, my friends.
Democratic Governor of California Gavin Newsom on Sunday signed a bill into law that will let Californians choose to have their bodies composted after they die, beginning in 2027. “Trees are important carbon breaks for the environment,” said Assembly Member Cristina Garcia, who authored the bill. “I look forward to continuing my legacy to fight for clean air by using my reduced remains to plant a tree.”
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has arrived in New York this week to continue its sustained attack on individual and national sovereignty, partnering with major legacy financial and media institutions to wage its campaign.